The Botanical Oddities: Top 10 strangest trees and plants in the world

Top 10 strangest trees and plants in the world

The Botanical Oddities: Top 10 strangest trees and plants in the world

From trees that bleed metallic sap to flowers that smell like rotting flesh, the world is home to some truly bizarre flora. In this article, we explore the top 10 strangest trees and plants in the world, each with unique and fascinating features that will leave you in awe. So, let’s dive in and discover the weird and wonderful world of botanical oddities!

The Botanical Oddities

Behold the botanical oddities that defy conventions, from the carnivorous Venus Flytrap to the parasitic Corpse Flower – the top 10 strangest trees and plants in the world that will leave you in awe.

Dragon Tree

The dragon tree is quite strange in appearance compared to normal trees. This tree is mainly found in Canary Islands. Apart from the Canary Islands, these trees are also found in some parts of Mexico. Their age will be between 650 to 1000 years.

Great Sequoia Tree

The Great Sequoia Tree is the largest tree on earth. It is about 275 feet tall. This tree is about 2300-2700 years old.

Silk Cotton Tree

This strange tree is found in Siem Rem Province of Cambodia. The countless roots of this tree take hold of all the things around it. This tree are among the most strange trees in the world.

Baobab Tree

This tree is found in Madagascar, a part separated from Africa. These trees are about 1000 years old. They can be about 16 feet to 98 feet tall.


This tree named Wisteria is mainly found in Japan. It is considered the most beautiful tree in the world. These flowers take five to 15 years to fully bloom.

Bottle Tree

This tree found in Australia is known as ‘bottle tree’ because its shape is exactly like a bottle. This tree is also considered poisonous.

Dragon Blood Tree

These trees are found on Yemen’s Socotra Island which is also known as ‘Alien Island’. This tree is called ‘Dragon Blood Tree’, because it is said to emit a red coloured substance that looks like blood.

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Sandbox Trees

Sandbox trees are found in the Amazon rainforest and in North and South America. These trees are considered dangerous to life. It is also called dynamite tree.

Jabuticaba Tree

The ‘Jabuticaba’ tree of South America is a mysterious tree. The age of these trees is about 25 to 27 years. Medicines are also made from the fruit of this tree.

Banyan Tree

The banyan tree is mainly found in India. Its branches hang down. The Great Banyan Tree in the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Botanical Garden in Kolkata. This tree is more than 250 years old.

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