10 Choreography YouTube channels for dancers to must follow

10 Choreography YouTube channels

10 Choreography YouTube channels for dancers to must follow

If you’re a dancer looking to improve your choreography skills, there are plenty of YouTube channels you should check out. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 10 top choreography YouTube channels that offer tutorials, inspiration, and insights to help you take your dance game to the next level.

10 Choreography YouTube channels to follow

If you’re a dancer looking for inspiration, check out these 10 choreography YouTube channels for fresh and exciting dance routines! From hip hop to contemporary, there’s something for everyone.

Claudia Dean Coaching

From pointe shoe hacks to flexibility and extension tips, Claudia Dean provides informative, entertaining content to take your dancing to the next level. Dean, a former professional ballet dancer with The Royal Ballet.

Nell Shelby

Nell Shelby is a movement videographer with incredible content on her YouTube channel. His company featured Pilobolus, Tony Tayeh, Lemony Dance, Isabella Boylston, Camille A.

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Big-time Broadway dancers

Big-time Broadway dancers literally talk their way through their resumes as they perform choreography from each show. It’s a great way to get to know some of the best dancers on the Great White Way.

Over 40 dancers

You must check out the YouTube channel of this non-profit organization even if you are under 40 years of age. Over 40 Dancers honours the life and legacy of the dancers, and the informational content on its channel is an incredible resource.

Kyle Hanagami

Hanagami’s choreography is that magical formula that makes audiences love to watch it as much as the dancers love to perform it. His movement style is fun, joyful, casual and rhythmic. It’s no wonder why he has over three million YouTube subscribers.

Dance on

If you’re only going to subscribe to one channel, make it Dance On. This channel – with over two million followers – includes videos from all your favorite choreographers.

Yannis Marshal

Marshall made an impression on Britain’s Got Talent with her high heels choreography in an all-male trio. Her classes train dancers to rock heels with confidence and sass.

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Ballerina by Night

This channel is geared toward dancers returning to, continuing, or starting ballet as adults. The rising channel features barre and center floor combinations that dancers can work out at home.

Katherine Morgan

Katie Morgan is a former soloist with the New York City Ballet. She now runs her own YouTube channel with ballet-centric content for aspiring dancers. Some of his videos focus on advice on mastering the foute turn, increasing flexibility, and learning combinations quickly,

The Rockets

Hearing individual stories from the dancers made the desired job feel within reach — because it was the dream of each of those girls in that kick line. And you can make that dream a reality too

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