TOP 9 Amazing lessons from 7 habits of Highly effective people book

Learn valuable 9 life lessons on leadership, productivity, and personal growth from Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

7 habits of Highly effective people life lessons

Top 9 Amazing lessons from 7 habits of Highly effective people book

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey is a timeless self-help book that has helped millions of people around the world. In this article, we will delve into 9 of the most powerful lessons from this book that can help transform your life and achieve success.

9 lessons from 7 habits of Highly effective people book

Learn valuable 9 life lessons on leadership, productivity, and personal growth from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

To be active

To be active has a lot to do with a person’s “circle of influence”. Pro activity is strongly related to acknowledging your own responsibility and influence.

In mind put first things first

This habit is related to integrity, discipline, sticking to one’s agreements. What life is about, and how you want to shape your life.

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Begin with the end

Starting with the end in mind means that when you make decisions today, you constantly keep in mind what you stand for ‘in general’.

Think win-win

The trick is to recognize that a contradiction provides an opportunity to unite the poles.

Try to understand before you want to understand

Try to understand first, then to be understood is the habit of listening, it is one of the basic qualities of a leader or coach.

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Work synergistically

The sixth of the seven habits of highly effective people, which is essential to achieving interdependence, is coordination.

Keep the saw sharp

Sharpening the saw is the habit that tells you that you are improving and persevering with yourself.

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Priority to self care

This is the habit of self renewal and within it all other habits are included. By using these habits, you can grow both mentally and physically.

Try to understand others

This is the biggest saying of the modern world. This habit of crows is related to communication and it is very effective and powerful.

These are the 9 best life lessons from the book and implementing the 7 habits can transform your personal and professional life, leading to greater success and fulfillment.

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