There could be a war between Afghanistan and Pakistan

Afghanistan Pakistan

Fate couldn’t have played a crueller joke on our western neighbour, Pakistan, other than letting its own nurtured monsters run wild to sever its sovereignty. Its mindless vile actions have turned the establishment’s “fail-safe” idea of “strategic depth” into the graveyard of the Pakistani military.

In 1971, India broke Pakistan into two halves for its unspeakable atrocities. But this time, it seems that it will be Pakistan’s home-grown venomous snakes, that is, Taliban terrorists that will split the Islamic nation, not two but in four pieces. With Taliban and Pakistan up in arms against each other, the clock for that eventuality is ticking fast.

Taliban trains guns on Pakistan to uphold its territorial sovereignty

Betraying its western allies, Pakistan provided Taliban terrorists all the men and material support to topple the democratically-elected Ashraf Ghani government in Afghanistan. In doing so, Pakistan wanted to run Afghanistan as its strategic depth. It hoped to later use it for staging terrorist attacks throughout the world, particularly against India.

Ironically, the Pakistani deep state failed to take into consideration two major issues.

First, no doubt that Pakistan has a long history of breeding terrorists but it still failed to understand the true nature of terrorism. No matter what brainwashing tactics Pakistan uses to cultivate hatred against India, it can’t tame and unleash terrorists at the time and place of its choosing. The countless attacks in Pakistan by Talibani terrorists openly display the true facet of terrorism. Terrorism can only wreak havoc against humanity and it can’t fulfil nefarious agenda of Pakistan, ever, in India or even in Afghanistan.

Second, Pakistan failed to refer to the dictionary and look for the word, ‘Sovereignty’. The concept of sovereignty is hard for Pakistan as it is a full time Banana Republic that keeps switching allegiance to either US or China and is content with being a vassal state.

Now, it is for these reason that Afghanistan led by Taliban has trained guns at their former masters and may obliterate Pakistani Army into smithereens.

Also read: ‘Death to Pakistan,’ Taliban has now trained its guns on Islamabad

The Evidence of escalating war between the two

Recently, the Pakistani military launched an airstrike on the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s strongholds in Nangarhar province which lies inside Afghanistan territory.

Soon after the purported air-strike, the Pakistan Air Force claimed that it carried out multiple reconnaissance and target identification flights along the international border with Afghanistan while staying well inside their airspace.

However, Taliban has been giving regular warning to Pakistan not to violate its sovereignty, launch air-strikes and attack Taliban. The nation has to otherwise be ready to face dire consequences for their grave offences.

Earlier, Afghanistan leader Ahmad Yasir gave a chilling reminder of the infamous 1971 surrender to the Pakistani Army. Along with the picture of surrender by the Pakistan army, he advised Pakistan not to misjudge Afghanistan with Syria as it is the graveyard of proud empires. He also added that if Pakistan thinks of military attack on Taliban, they will suffer the same fate as they did in 1971 against India.

Apart from the chilling warnings, there were exchanges of fire between Taliban and the Pakistani Forces near the Torkham border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. This was a clear direction from top. Mullah Mohammad Yakub, the Defence Minister of the Taliban government had given clear instructions to Talibani fighters to shoot Pakistani soldiers in case they attempt to cross the border.

Having helped Taliban acquire power in Afghanistan, Pakistan would have hoped to kill the demand of Pashtun nationality, Pashtunistan and the formal acceptance of Durand line by its “friendly regime” in Afghanistan. Instead of working on Pakistani dictates, Taliban has been rekindling new fervour in the Pashtun tribe and threatening calls to Pakistan regarding the imposition of unacceptable Durand line as the border between the two nations.

With blood-thirsty and terrorist mindset, both the regimes, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, will be inclined to fulfil their objectives through violence. This is an eventuality heading towards a warring situation between the two nations, which will vindicate the fact that there is nothing like good or bad terrorism.

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