The promise of UCC is finally going to fructify

UCC implementation: The essence of a righteous Constitution lies in the colorblindness of its provisions and impartial implementation. A healthy democracy is expected to not discriminate between the diverse ethnocentric sections of the society. Further to meet the ends of the vast spectrum of diversity, the Indian Constitution envisages the ‘concept of Uniform Civil Code’ under Article 44. It incorporates the visions of ‘one nation, one law’ being implemented over distinctive personal laws of numerous communities.

However, the incorporation of UCC in the Indian Constitution was dealt with in depth, during the Constituent Assembly debates. The substantial question before the framers of the most revered document was whether to include UCC as a fundamental right or as directive principles of state policy.

Thus, with a majority of 5:4, the sub-committee on Fundamental Rights headed by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel decided to exclude UCC from the scope of fundamental rights. As a corollary, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar provided a more pragmatic stance on UCC, by facilitating that it should remain “purely voluntary” in the preliminary stage and the State shall endeavor to secure a UCC in the times to come.

Also read: Brace yourselves; the Uniform Civil Code might come up before 2024

Rajnath Singh vows to implement UCC 

Thus, keeping up the promise of the founding fathers, the recent government has vowed to bring about the UCC to furnish a uniform cipher to the populace. The Union Defense Minister, Rajnath Singh recently, made a remarkable statement regarding the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code.

Rajnath, while addressing a gathering in Lucknow said, “Our government has fulfilled the promise it had made regarding Article 370, has also fulfilled the citizenship law and now the work on Common Civil Code (UCC) is going on. ”

Further, taking a jibe at the political betrayal of the previous governments, the Defense Minister pointed out that if the previous regimes would have kept up with even half of their promises, the nation would have not been in such a mess.

The statement on UCC coming from one of the tallest leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has significant national bearing. Rajnath Singh has been, unequivocally, endorsing the implementation of UCC, be it his recent November remarks during Himachal elections or be it the optimistic deliberation of the 2019 during “Sankalp Patra lunch of BJP. ”

Also read: Ambedkar would have cried today, not for Hijab, but for the non-implementation of Uniform Civil Code

As the Chief of BJP Manifesto Committee, Rajnath gave the call for the implementation of a uniform set of federal laws over all religious communities of the nation, if elected to power. Consequently, to fructify the election promises of 2019, Rajnath through his statement, has suggested that soon the citizens would be witnessing deliberations and debates over UCC in the upcoming sessions of the parliament.

As per the Defense Minister, the preparations for the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code are underway. Thus, suggesting that the Modi government is working tirelessly to keep up to the previous promises on UCC. Further, the statement of Rajnath Singh has great political significance with respect to the ongoing political discourse of the issue of UCC.

Thus, keeping in mind that Defense Minister Singh was bestowed with the responsibility to pitch forth the UCC issue in the previous BJP manifesto, the present development is expected to heat up the political discourse in the times to come.

Also read: BJP must win if Uttarakhand wants Uniform Civil Code to be implemented

UCC to sensationalise the ongoing political discourse 

More so, with the 2024 Lok Sabha elections round the corner next year, the debate over the majority rights, adequate protection of majority and undoing the previous minority appeasement are expected to take over the political discourse. Further, with the changing demography of various states where Hindus are reduced to minorities, the need for a Uniform Civil Code has become more intrinsically significant.

That is to say, the government seems resolute enough to fructify the wisdom of the Constituent Assembly that was not against the idea of a uniform civil law and incorporated it under Article 44, to bring it to justice at the appropriate time.

Also read: Brace yourselves – The Uniform Civil Code is finally coming

Further, if we take the wisdom of late K.M. Munshi, from the Constituent Assembly debates, the illogical construct that UCC would be against freedom of religion can be negated. His deliberation at the Constituent Assembly highlights the true essence of our secular government that can regulate religious practices and bring about social reforms as per the needs of the changing times.

Conversely, keeping in view the aspirations of the ‘New India’ issues such as population control, equality for women beyond discriminatory practices, equal protection of law, and majority rights can be sorted with the impending UCC resolution.

Thus, indicating that time has come for the government to fructify the longstanding demands of implementing the Uniform Civil Code as envisioned by the makers of the Constitution and endorsed by prominent leaders of the Constituent Assembly.

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