Trump’s return to Twitter is a disaster for the ABCD community

The mark of a champion is when they come back fighting. Trump’s Twitter return has caused a storm all over the world. People are confused about its long term consequences. However, for America born confused Desis (ABCDs), it may well turn out to be disastrous.

Trump is back on Biden’s birthday

Elon Musk has listened to popular conscience. After conducting a poll about Trump’s freedom of speech, he has reinstated his account on Twitter. There is a Trump storm going on Twitter. The fact that Trump came back on the birthday of Joe Biden, his political rival is like a facepalm moment for him and meme material for Netizens.

Both these leaders are arch-enemies in the political domain. Trump’s support base is that of conservatives, while Biden holds a significant place among voters who came to the US as migrants and became citizens. Given that it is a widely uniform trend, it should have meant that Biden and his party are more popular among Indian Americans.

Division among Indian Americans

That is not true. Indian Americans are not uniform in every aspect. They are subdivided into two categories. One group follows Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam and is loyal to both India and the US. These people are problem solvers and want a win-win situation for both countries.

The other group consists of those who claim loyalty to both countries but when their back is against the wall, Uncle Sam becomes their ultimate daddy. These are the people we @TFI term as America born confused Desis (ABCDs).

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These people are the ones who are found acting against India’s interest. It won’t be wrong to choose Kamala Harris as the leader of such groups. Under her endorsement, Ro Khanna spread falsehoods about India. Her niece Meena Harris is an open India hater. It is these kinds of people who implicitly or explicitly support anti-India IVY league Islamoleftists and Khalistanis.

It was during the Democrats’ regime that a petition seeking White House support for Khalistan got 1 lakh signatures. True that Obama explicitly did not endorse it, but he has been lecturing on India’s internal religious harmony, which provided an incentive to the anti-India lobby.

Trump is pro-Hindu and pro-India

Trump on the other hand is an out-and-out supporter of India’s interests. Right from the time he announced his presidency, he has got active support from Indian-Americans, especially Hindus for his stand on radical Islamism. At the “Humanity United Against Terror Charity Event”, Trump expressed his wish to light a Diya, indicating his respect for Hindu traditions.

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Even when he became President, he left no stone unturned in supporting Hindus. Trump reintroduced Swami Vivekanand to the audience back home. During Covid time, Trump invited Pujari to chant Shanti Path at the White House. When PM Modi was in America, Trump rallied behind him in the fight against terrorism. Even during the anti-Hindu CAA riots, Trump did not give up on the pressure of liberal media. He treated it as India’s internal matter. More recently, he endorsed a much suppressed term called Hinduphobia and vowed to build a ‘Hindu holocaust memorial’ in Washington.

On the other hand, Biden’s party is in close cahoots with anti-India, anti-Hindu forces. Democrats have pro-Jihad radicals in their ranks. It is them who tilted the White House equations once again in favour of Pakistan. American love for Pakistan is widely acknowledged as a reversal of Trump’s policy of keeping the terrorist nation in check. The rise of Islam leftists under Biden is an open threat to the stability of South Asia and Indians in America.

In the mid-term elections, Trump was not as successful as he should have been. Resultantly, issues concerning Indian Americans did not make headlines. It happened because he did not have a massive platform like Twitter to air his views. With the return on Twitter, Trump has given a breath of fresh air to the hopes of Indian Americans.

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