With their unblemished love for Pakistan, US goes on to prove how Jaishankar was right

US ambassador PoK

US ambassador in PoK: Commitments are not permanent and change according to changing interests. After realising the futility of cajoling China, the Pakistani establishment went on to kowtow to the US. In return, the weakened Biden administration is showing that America’s love affair with Pakistan did take a blip during Trump, but in the larger picture, it remains unblemished.

US ambassador in PoK

Recently, Donald Blome, the US ambassador to Pakistan visited Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK). According to the official release, he was there to showcase American seriousness about increasing ties with Pakistan. These ties include deep economic, cultural, and people-to-people ties.

To instil confidence among Pakistani authorities, Donal met puppet Prime Minister Tanveer Ilyas and representatives from academia, business, cultural, and civil society organisations. Blome’s trip was actually a signal of American intent. Otherwise, US ambassador would not dare to antagonise India by terming Pakistan’s forced occupation as freeing Kashmir (POK).

Quoting Blome’s and by extension the American government’s assessment about the trip, the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad tweeted, “The Quaid-e-Azam Memorial Dak Bungalow symbolizes the cultural and historical richness of Pakistan and was famously visited by Jinnah in 1944. I’m honored to visit during my first trip to AJK.”

Also read: India balances the US and Russia while keeping Pakistan and China in check

AJK reference and history behind it

Apart from the spelling of ‘honour’ in the tweet, there was a more fundamentally wrong word used. Donald used the word AJK, which means ‘Azad Jammu and Kashmir’. The term reeks of propaganda of the highest degree and possibly of the evilest proportion in human history.

Ever since it was born, Pakistan has always termed Jammu and Kashmir to be an integral part of the polity. In fact, in 2022, it would not be wrong to state that Pakistan’s history is a history of its failed attempts to forcibly integrate Jammu and Kashmir, the land of Rishi Kashyap in its own territory.

The fact that Pakistan is still trying to integrate Jammu and Kashmir is a testament to its absurd compulsiveness about it. It has its reasons though. Towards the end of 1947, the Indian government was caught napping when Pakistan supported tribal groups snatched a part of Jammu and Kashmir and declared it Azad.

From that time, both India and Pakistan use separate terminologies for the region. India rightly terms it as Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) while Pakistan’s propaganda machine tries to shield its incursion by terming it as Azad Kashmir.

Also read: From ‘Love letter to Pakistan’ to a harsh call to the USA, India has come a long way

US is looking for support

People of Pakistan may fail to understand the difference since their media runs highly censored news, but Pakistan invaded Kashmir, is obvious to anyone staying outside Pakistan. More particularly, governments all around the world know it, let alone be the Numero Uno Superpower, America. So, the obvious question is why is it saying so?

The American tilt towards Pakistan is easy to decode. After a haphazard life-saving evacuation from Afghanistan, Uncle SAM is trying to stay relevant in the region. By doing this their initial aim was to counter China’s rise. That is why they tried to cajole India, since India is the only country which can publish an encyclopaedia on the topic, “how to counter China”.

India is well aware of the reality

On the other hand, India has become a diplomatically independent nation. It has refused to listen to America during the Ukraine-Russia crisis. Additionally, India’s Foreign Minister S Jaishankar has been on an exposing spree on the global stage. Initially, he was not much interested in bringing out American dirt with respect to Pakistan and only focussed on its hypocrisy on Ukraine-Russia.

But in June this year, Jaishankar categorically said that America is the one which is responsible for terrorism in Asian continent. Recalling how the United States funded Pakistani terror establishment for anti-Soviet war, Jaishankar had said, “a lot of India’s problems with Pakistan are directly attributable to the support that the United State gave to Pakistan.”

The statement was a reality check for those observers who were too optimistic about American support for India against China. Apparently, it also came in the backdrop of the Biden administration trying to get Pakistan out of the FATF Grey list. Jaishankar had seen the trend and hence his statement was supposed to be a warning about the upcoming future.

Jaishankar’s realism is bearing fruits

It did not take long for Jaishankas’s prognosis to come true. Within weeks of Jaishankar’s statement, the United States decided to assist Pakistan with the F-16 support system. When the Biden administration tried to allay the fears that F-16 would be used for cross border terrorism, Jaishankar had unequivocally told them that they were not fooling anyone.

Not only that, the Biden administration has become a fundraiser for Pakistan. It is appealing to everyone for providing humanitarian assistance costing billions of Dollars to Pakistan.

America needed a faithful ally in the region. In geopolitics, faithfulness comes from dependence, India is not dependent on the US, but Pakistan is. For few more years, it will get more dollars, more arms and more diplomatic support from the USA. S. Jaishankar has done well by alerting the Indian establishment to this grim reality.

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