Collection of 29 Paul walker quotes and captions

Paul Walker quotes

“If you spend time with a man, you will realize that we are still little children.” Love this quote? Well we have a collection of heart touching 29 more Paul Walker quotes and captions here below and we hope that you will like it. Feel free to share these quotes on Instagram and Twitter.

29 Paul Walker quotes and captions

I am not affected by violence like some people. I don’t know why, but I appreciate this intensity.

I live for ‘Aim Big or Go Home’. It is with everything. It’s like committing and going or not doing it at all.

I’m not afraid of anything. That’s how I am. – Paul Walker quotes

My philosophy is this: if you can’t have fun, there’s no point in having it.

I’m much more likely to get a kick in the ass than a pat on the back.

If I lost weight, I would be two-dimensional!

I’m not the least bit polite, I come from a working class background and never thought I could feel comfortable with English people.

I want to have the freedom to do whatever I want.

You know, I’m a pretty laid back guy. I’m pretty simple. I see everyone’s point of view.

P Walker captions and sayings

Basically, you’re selling a world as an actor, right? I mean it’s like any salesman: if you believe in your product, you know your product, you sell it much better.

I don’t care what it is in life: listen to your heart. If you do, no matter what, you win.

My parents never considered my profession as an actor. They saw it as a way to help sustain the home.

I love being a dad, that’s where I focus most of the time. I’m an actor, it’s my job, but it’s not my life. I also have many other interests.

I almost sabotaged my career. “The Fast and Furious” stayed with me, and now I’m grateful for it. This franchise gave me the opportunity.

It’s no longer about working, it’s about doing work you can be proud of. – Paul Walker quotes

I want to have the freedom to do whatever I want.

My mom has always been very healthy and careful about her diet, so I’m not a big sugar eater.

‘The Fast’ is difficult; it is not easy. This is too much for too many people. But that’s also what makes it fun.

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Paul Walker quotes

When I was younger, the pressure was just enormous. I never thought of myself as a cool guy. I’ve always thought of myself as a clumsy guy.

My friends and I are like brothers. So it’s fine for us to say “I love you” or whatever. It’s always great. I think it comes from my father. That’s how it’s always been.

Attitude is attitude, whether you’re a west coast gangster or an east coast gangster, you know?

I have a way of just being ice cold and chilling situations and making things work.

I almost sabotaged my career. “The Fast and the Furious” stuck with me, and now I’m grateful. This franchise gave me the opportunity.

It’s a thing about Hollywood. People don’t always want what’s real. People always want a little more. So for me, it’s a compromise. And there you have it, this hyperreality.

I’m going to keep working hard, but I don’t take it too seriously, I’m just doing what makes me feel good and really want to have a good time. – Paul Walker quotes

I’m one of those people who thinks certain things happen at certain times for the right reasons.

I’m a car freak. I have an airplane hangar full of cars.

I want to work with good people. I don’t want to work with directors who yell and yell that they have problems with their parents. I don’t want to deal with these guys.

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