Collection of 24 Emily Dickinson quotes and captions

Emily Dickinson quotes

“People need hard times and oppression to develop their psychic muscles.” Love this quote? Well we have a collection of heart touching 24 more Emily Dickinson quotes and captions here below and we hope that you will like it. Feel free to share these quotes on Instagram and Twitter.

24 Emily Dickinson quotes

That it never comes back is what makes life so sweet.

How strange that nature does not strike and yet does not interfere!

Dogs are better than humans because they know but they don’t count.

The soul must always remain ajar, ready to receive the ecstatic experience.

A word is dead when it is said, some say. I say that he is just beginning to live that day.

If I can stop a heart from breaking, I won’t live in vain. – Emily Dickinson quotes

We do not age with the years but we are new every day.

Hope is the feathered thing that perches in the soul and sings the melody without the words, and never stops at all.

E Dickinson sayings

Saying nothing sometimes says more.

Forever is made up of now.

That it never comes back is what makes life so sweet.

We never know how high we are until we are called to rise.

So if we are true to form, our statures touch the heavens.

The truth is so rare that it is a pleasure to tell it. – Emily Dickinson quotes

Luck is not chance, it is hard work; he wins the prized smile of fortune.

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Emily Dickinson quotes

I’m outside with flashlights, looking for me.

Old age comes suddenly, not gradually as we think.

Waiting means being ready moment by moment for what has not yet been born, and yet not despairing if there is no birth in our lives.

Find the ecstasy in life; the mere feeling of living is joy enough.

A wounded deer jumps higher.

No more failures, but no more adventures either. – Emily Dickinson quotes

Because I couldn’t stop for Death – He kindly stopped for me – The car clung to us – and immortality.

They may not need me; but they could. I’ll let my head be in sight; a smile as small as mine could be precisely what he needed.

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