Collection of 26 Screwtape letters quotes

Screwtape letters quotes

Love this quote? Well we have a collection of insightful 26 more screwtape letters quotes and captions here below and we hope that you will like it. Feel free to share these quotes on Instagram and Twitter.

26 Screwtape letters quotes

“You see, it is very difficult for these creatures to survive. The turmoil of adversity, the gradual decline of youthful love and youthful hopes, the silent despair “seldom felt as pain” sometimes overcoming old temptations with which we have repeatedly overcome them, this boredom we create in their lives and the apparent resentment with which they are taught to respond to them, all of which provide admirable opportunities for the accidental soul-snatching.”

Pilate was nice until he got risky.

Courtship is the time to sow the seeds that, years later, will become domestic problems.

Never forget that when we are faced with pleasure in its healthy, normal, satisfying form, we are somehow in enemy territory. I know we have won many souls through joy.

Music: an insane acceleration to the rhythm of the celestial experience.

In heaven, everything that is not music is silence.

There’s nothing like suspense and anxiety to entrench a human’s spirit against the enemy. He wants men to care about what they are doing. Our job is to make them think about what is going to happen to them. – screwtape letters quotes

And the questions they ask themselves certainly remain unanswered. Because you don’t know the future and what the future holds largely depends on the choices you make now to help create the future.

Sayings from Screwtape novel

“The human being does not start from this direct perception of Him, which unfortunately we cannot avoid. They have never known that sinister glare, that searing glare that turns our lives into a backdrop of lasting pain.”

The enemy wants you to be ultimately so free from bias in your favor that you can rejoice as freely and gratefully in your talent as in the talent of your neighbor.

The game is to have everyone run around with fire extinguishers when the flood comes, and the whole crowd gathers on that side of the boat, which is already almost under the shooter.

Hate is best combined with fear. Cowardice, the only one of all faults, is purely painful, horrible to guess.

Teach them to estimate the value of every phrase by its success in creating the desired emotion, and never let them doubt that such success or failure depends on whether they are currently healthy or ill, fresh or exhausted. – screwtape letters quotes

The best flower of impurity can grow only in the immediate vicinity of the sacred.

He cannot “attempt” for virtue as we do for evil. He wants them to learn to walk, so he has to take his hand away. And if there is really the will to walk, he is even happy with his stumbles.

We should see hell as a state where everyone is always concerned with their own dignity and progress, where everyone has grievances, and where everyone lives under deadly obsessions of jealousy, vanity, and resentment.

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Screwtape letters quotes

“And while he thinks that, we don’t have to deal with the seeming repentance of some fully-acknowledged sin, but simply his vague, but uncomfortable feeling that he hasn’t been doing very well lately. . This slight agitation should be handled with care.”

Devils are depicted with bat wings and good angels with bird wings, not because it is believed that moral degradation would likely result in the transformation of feathers into membranes, but because most male birds like them better than males. bats.

When they speak of getting lost, they simply mean giving up the clamor of personal will, once they have done so.

He is a hedonist at heart. All these fasts and revivals and bets and crosses are just a mask.

The future, of all things, is at least a kind of eternity. This is the most temporary part of time, because the past is frozen and no longer flows, and the present is illuminated with all the eternal rays. – screwtape letters quotes

Humans are amphibians, half spirits and half animals: as spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they live in time. This means that while your soul may be directed towards an eternal object, your bodies, your passions and your fantasies are constantly changing, destined to be in time, to change.

As long as none of these neighbors sings off key, has squeaky shoes, double chins, or strange clothes, the patient will easily believe that his religion must be something ridiculous.

If you ever manage to make him understand that “religion is very good up to a certain point”, you can feel great happiness for his soul.

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