A Collection Of 20+ Petty Quotes To Make Your Day

petty quotes

Pettiness often leads both to error and to the digging of a trap for oneself. The following petty quotes are a beautiful collection of pettiness-related quotes. Feel free to enjoy and Share.

23 Petty quotes and captions

I shall be freed from the pettiness of life and the fear of death if I accept death into my life. Only then will I be able to fully develop into who I am.

People without important goals tend to be petty.

People who spend their time worrying about little issues frequently lose the ability to achieve greatness.

Because fear and jealousy both lead to pettiness, noble hearts are neither terrified nor jealous.

In our daily lives, we come with people who are irate, dishonest, and solely interested in meeting their own wants. We are losing the ability to cooperate effectively because of the level of resentment, mistrust, avarice, and pettiness.

We frequently allow ourselves to become irritated over trivial things that we ought to hate and forget. We waste a lot of precious time worrying about things that will be forgotten by everyone including us in a year. Instead, let’s dedicate our lives to admirable deeds and sentiments, lofty ideas, sincere affections, and resilient endeavours. – petty quotes

The causes of stubbornness are pettiness of mind, ignorance, and presumption because those who are stubborn only want to accept what they can imagine, which is a very limited range of possibilities.

Pettiness rules when a lofty dream is absent.

God finds our efforts to seek favour, our scurrying to look good, our thrashing around attempting to fix ourselves while masking our pettiness, and our wallowing in guilt revolting and an outright denial of the grace-centered gospel.

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Trivial quotes and captions

The ability to love fully is one of the blessings our planet has given us. without resentment, uncertainty, or dread. without being petty. lacking rage.

While always accepting yourself for exactly who you are with all of your alleged flaws, strive hard to improve, become smarter, deepen your devotion to the truth, stoke your commitment to beauty, sharpen your emotional intelligence, hone your dreams, bargain with your shadow, cure your ignorance, shed your pettiness, and soften your heart. – petty quotes

Everything becomes mean to the mean.

A noble heart cannot be suspicious of the pettyness and hatred it has never experienced in others.

At all costs, one must avoid dogmatism, petty conceit, and narrow-mindedness.

The greatest loves have been slain by simple things, as I am aware of. I am aware of how the most profound loves are harmed by petty behaviour.

Trivialities are meaningless once you are in a life-or-death scenario. You develop a deeper degree of living and a wider perspective. Pettiness has no place at this time.

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Petty quotes and captions

We get along well in bigger situations; the small stuff is the troublemaker.

You can gauge how small-minded a mentality is by how small-minded its worship or blasphemy is.

Because they have invested their best selves in their work, attempting to describe the lives of the great by separating them from their creations inevitably results in highlighting their pettiness. – petty quotes

Stupid fool! whose meagre opinion everything is insignificant.

Some young people have windfall minds that have been prematurely severed from the tree of knowledge in favour of a lifetime of bitterness and pettiness.

I think many who enter politics desire to act morally. And then they met a great wall of re-election and the pettiness of politics. Politics ultimately interferes with people’s business.

I constantly strive to expose or aid in exposing the hidden greatness of the little, the obscure, and the unknown—as well as the petty nature of the large—in all of my writings.

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