26 John Mulaney quotes and captions

John Mulaney quotes

“You can’t always see both sides of the story. Eventually, you have to choose a side and stick to it. More errors. You have to commit.” Love this quote? Well we have a collection of heart touching 26 more John Mulaney quotes and captions here below and we hope that you will like it. Feel free to share these quotes on Instagram and Twitter.

26 John Mulaney quotes

My vibe is like, hey, you could probably serve me soup on my lap and I’ll apologize.

You have the moral backbone of a chocolate cake.

Now, I don’t know if you’ve been following the news, but I’ve been keeping an eye out and it seems like everyone everywhere is super crazy about everything all the time.

13 year olds are the meanest people in the world. I’m afraid of that because the 8th graders are going to laugh at you, but in a fair way. They will get to what you don’t like about yourself.

College was like a four-year-old game show called “Do my friends hate me or do I just need to go to sleep?”

We started chanting McDonald’s, McDonald’s, McDonald’s! And my dad stopped at the drive-thru, and we started cheering, and then he ordered a coffee just for him and drove on. – John Mulaney quotes

I don’t look older, I just look worse.

Why do people silence animals? They just say ‘Hush, hey, hush’. They never spoke.

Sayings by J Mulaney

I was always the most honest person in the cold room and sometimes the weirdest person at the head table.

Things have to be fun first, and if they want to score a point, that’s great.

I have a lot of stories about my childhood because that was the last time I was interesting.

You can do a good job staying up all night and eating only junk food, but probably not in the long run.

I am a very lucky person. I’m an idiot, and I’ve lived pretty well so far, so I don’t feel like I deserve a bargain.

All my money is in a savings account. My dad explained the stock market to me about 75 times. I still do not understand

I really like to make fun of myself. I also like being laughed at. I have always appreciated it. There’s something very, very funny about someone tearing me apart. – John Mulaney quotes

You all have a family member who is an expert but doesn’t quite know what he’s talking about.

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John Mulaney quotes

Being president seems like the worst job in the world.

My childhood was completely dominated by Bill Clinton and the OJ trial. I don’t think we’ve ever had a family dinner where no one came.

I found that people who really want to work on ‘Saturday Night Live’ and deal with it get pretty close. You have to be funny, but everyone who works there, it was their dream to work there. So it’s good this way: there are a lot of people who say to themselves, “I always wanted to do this, and now I do it.

All my money is in a savings account. My dad explained the stock market to me about 75 times. I still do not understand.

Things have to be fun first, and if they want to score a point, that’s great.

I never pick on the crowd. Sometimes you think it’s a terrible show, and sometimes people say they really liked it. So turning on the crowd will only alienate the few people who might like it. What should I do in this situation? Passed through. – John Mulaney quotes

I don’t make plans anymore. So I don’t live minute by minute.

I really like to make fun of myself. I also like being laughed at. I have always appreciated it. There’s something very, very funny about someone tearing me apart.

You can’t always see both sides of the story. Eventually, you have to choose a side and stick to it. More errors. You have to commit.

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