Colleciton of Georgia O Keeffe Quotes and Captions

Georgia O Keeffe quotes

“It’s not enough to be nice in life. You must have the nerves.” Love this quote? Well we have a collection of heart touching 23 more Georgia O Keeffe quotes and captions here below and we hope that you will like it. Feel free to share these quotes on Instagram and Twitter and do not forgot to tag us. 

23 Georgia O Keeffe quotes

“Nothing is less real than realism. The details are confusing. It is only by selection, by elimination, by emphasis that we arrive at the true meaning of things.”

My painting is what I have to give back to the world for what the world gives me.

A week ago the mountains seemed to me the most beautiful, and today it is the plains. I think it’s the sense of grandeur in both that drives me.

I’ve already solved it myself, so praise and criticism go through the same hole and I’m pretty free.

I decided that if I could paint this flower on a large scale, you couldn’t ignore its beauty. – Georgia O Keeffe quotes

In fact, no one sees a flower; it’s so small, we don’t have time, and seeing takes time, like having a friend takes time.

Men liked to call me the best painter. I think I am one of the best painters.

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G.O. Keeffe Sayings

“Whether you’re successful or not doesn’t matter, it doesn’t exist. Making your stranger known is the most important thing.”

Filling a space in a beautiful way: that’s what art means to me.

Creating your world in one of the arts requires courage.

I saved half a dozen paintings from that broken board.

New York cannot be painted as it is, but as it feels.

Filling a space in a beautiful way: that’s what art means to me.

I found that I could say things with colors and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way, things that I didn’t have words for. – Georgia O Keeffe quotes

I painted portraits that are almost photographic to me. I remember that I was hesitant to show the paintings, they seemed so real to me.

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Georgia O Keeffe quotes

“Artists and religious people are never far from each other, they go to sources of revelation for what they choose to experience and what they report is the magnitude of their experiences.”

I had it in my head, well, I couldn’t be 12, that I would become a painter.

I wish people were all trees and I think I could enjoy it then.

My friend Doris Bry now says I missed her spelling because I spelled it so confidently.

Marks on paper are free, freedom of speech, press, images, everything goes hand in hand I think.

I want to go there so badly that I almost wish I had never been there. – Georgia O Keeffe quotes

This is my private mountain. It’s mine. God told me if I painted this mountain long enough, I could have it.

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