26 Suicidal Depressing Quotes For Fun

Suicidal depressing quote

The tendency of suicide is not normal always and you should consult a psychiatrist as soon as possible. It is better to share your feeling with your friends and family immediately in such cases. If you are really the victim of such thinking then please do not try to self-heal. The following Suicidal depressing quotes are just for making fun of this mentality and they are light-hearted. Feel free to enjoy and share.

Suicidal depressing quotes

Running from difficulties is a sign of cowardice, and while suicide is a valiant act, it is not done for a good cause; rather, it is done to avoid suffering.

The more time we spend thinking about our bad luck, the more damaging it is to us.

Extraordinary things start to happen when someone reaches out their hand, listens, encourages, or tries to understand a lonely person.

Believe in who you are as a whole. Recognize that you possess a force bigger than any challenge.

Everything is challenging before it is simple.

But ultimately, it takes more bravery to choose life than it does to choose death.

Suicide. A word that must be squeezed out behind cupped hands or mumbled behind closed doors is a sideways word that people whisper, mutter, and cough. I had never heard the words shouted or screamed outside of nightmares. – suicidal depressing quotes

Never quit when you are in a difficult situation and it appears as though nothing could possibly help you, since that is precisely the moment when the tide will turn.

Suicide is a long-term solution to a short-term issue. Sleep well and consult a psychiatrist you will amaze by the feeling that you were thinking stupid.

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Depressed captions and sayings

We are not just our brains, we have much more things to deal with. You could not be you without support from many lives around you. Live and wait for your turn to contribute to those who made you.

Normal existence requires hope, and hope is the main deterrent to suicidal desire.

Talking when you want to kill yourself is quite difficult. It’s physically difficult to open your lips and force the words out, which is above and above anything else. This isn’t a mental complaint. – suicidal depressing quotes

The most courageous thing I’ve ever done was to keep living even though I wanted to die.

Never give up, never ever.

Anyone struggling out there should know that asking for assistance is not a sign of frailty. It represents strength.

We can burn the entire book, but we cannot tear out a single page from our lives.

Your troubles won’t be solved by suicide. They only get infinitely, endlessly, infinitely worse.

In general, the world is worth living in since my desire to end my life doesn’t push me to really do it.

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Suicidal depressing quotes

One of the best things about suicide is that it’s not something you have to do right away or else you’ll miss your chance. You may always do it later, after all.

People who commit suicide believe they are putting an end to their suffering, yet all they actually accomplish is to transfer it to those they leave behind. – suicidal depressing quotes

That is the issue with suicide. Despite your best efforts, you can never help but think back on how someone ended their life.

People’s responses to my attempts at suicide have never made me want to end my life more than anything else has.

The purpose of suicide, Maggie, is to murder two people.

A book is a delayed suicide.

I was so indifferent to killing myself that I wanted to wait for a circumstance in which it would matter.

Compared to what we leave behind, the things that lie ahead are by far, much better.

Death is simple. I can’t imagine anything more agonizing than having to live, and I’m too weak to continue struggling.

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