Pakistan is being “offered” UNSC seat

UNSC seat Pakistan

The United Nations Security Council, one of the six organs of the United Nations, is the most elite grouping in the world. Officially authorized by the United Nations Charter to ensure international peace, international sanctions, and military action, the UNSC members are considered the leaders of the world. The members of the group are the contributors to world peace, democratic values and strong economic power. It must be a joke that in this elite grouping, Pakistan, a terrorist exporting country, whose every state policy is decided in the bedroom of the US and China was offered a UNSC permanent seat.

UNSC seat to Pakistan

Quoting a Foreign Office official of Pakistan, A Pakistani news publication The Express Tribune has reported that Pakistan was offered to bid for a UNSC permanent seat. But Pakistan rejected the offer citing some evil tactics to weaken the group, which is opposed to the expansion of UNSC’s permanent membership.

The Foreign Office official speaking about the issue said, “Some powerful countries have approached us and said Pakistan should launch its bid for the permanent seat at the UNSC.”

The report further claimed that last week, “Pakistan-Italy led group known as UfC successfully foiled the latest push by the so-called Group of 4 – India, Brazil, Germany and Japan – to seek expansion in the UNSC permanent members.”

Also Read: Chai, Lassi and Sattu – The three horsemen of Pakistan’s economic revival

G-4 and UfC – One against other

It is pertinent to note that Uniting for Consensus, also known as Coffee Club, is a grouping of 13 countries comprising Pakistan, Italy, Canada, South Korea, Argentina, Spain and Turkey. The main goal of this grouping is to lobby against any expansion of the permanent seats at the UNSC. The members of the Coffee Club are the regional rivals of Group-4 (India, Brazil, Germany and Japan) countries for the permanent seat. Pakistan against India, Argentina against Brazil, Italy against Germany and South Korea against Japan.

Pakistan’s claim that they were offered a permanent seat at the UNSC must be a joke. An unstable Islamic country with nuclear weapons, which is in a state of degeneration, can never be a responsible country. A dying economy, radical society and military dominating plutocratic polity have already engulfed the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and they are dreaming of a UNSC seat.

Read More: Pakistan can declare bankruptcy any moment now

The rogue state institutionalized terrorism and Jihad in the region and become a global terror exporting factory. Except for the terror industry, every industry in the state is in a state of decline and inflation, unemployment, stagnation, and debt are on the rise. The country’s external debt has risen to $10.886 billion and the state’s foreign exchange reserves are struggling with about $2 billion. The country can declare default against the outstanding payment at any moment and still dreams of getting a seat at the UNSC.

Not a single regional or world institution has left from where the country has not taken a loan.

The International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank and many other regional institutions and countries have lent to Pakistan. Recently, Pakistan borrowed $2.3 billion from China at an undisclosed interest rate and is in talks to get $1 billion from the IMF.

Requesting its population to drink Chai, lassi and Sattu, the beggar state wants to become a global superpower. The country has become a de-facto colony and has sold its soul to China which wants to get the permanent seat of the UNSC. Next Joke Please.


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