Dear Hindus, do select your friends wisely

A relation that matches the sacredness of a family relationship is the relationship of friendship. It does not have any origin; it flows from emotion and evolves into a relationship. Where people are ready to die for each other’s sake without any transactional values. There are rarely any instances in the past where a friend has killed his friend or has played any role in his killing. But, recent killings of Hindus have shown that one of the key conspirators in their killings has been a friend. Overflowing with the indoctrinated idea of his religion, a friend has ensured that his Hindu friend must die.

Umesh Kolhe’s friend Dr. Yusuf Khan conspired to kill him

On 21st June 2022, Umesh Kolhe, a chemist and resident of Amravati (Maharashtra), was killed by his Islamists for sharing a post supporting the statement of Nupur Sharma. As the investigation of his murder progressed, it is reported that all of the co-conspirators worked in an NGO, and the mastermind of the crime was a Sheikh Irfan.

Dr. Yusuf Khan, an old friend of Umesh Kolhe was the admin of a Whatsapp group in which Kolhe had shared a post supporting Nupur Sharma’s statement. Dr Yusuf Khan shared this information with another Whatsapp group called Rahebariya and also informed his friend Sheikh Irrfan. This way they developed hatred against Umesh Kolhe and planned to kill him.

With the help of other co-religionists like Maulana Mudassir Ahmed, Shahrukh Pathan (25), Abdul Taufiq (24), Shoaib Khan (22), and Atib Rashid (22), Dr.Yusuf and sheikh executed the plan to kill him. Firstly they did recce to his routine and on the night of June 21, Umesh Kolhe was stabbed to death by Shoaib Khan. It is pertinent to note that none of these have any criminal records.

Also Read: A Hindu newborn was decapitated while delivered by a Pakistani doctor in Sindh

Yash Rastogi was killed by his friend Imran, Chavej Ali, and Salman

In another incident of killing, a friend was chopped into pieces by his gay friends Imran, Chavej Ali, and Salman. A group of gay Muslim friends killed a 22-year-old Hindu Yash Rastogi in the Pilohadi area of Meerut on June 26 and after chopping his body into pieces threw it into a drain. The report suggests that before his killing they had raped him.

Till the late night of June 26, when Yash Rastogi, an LL.B did not come home, his family lodged a report of kidnapping in the police station. After investigation, it was found that his three Muslim friends, Imran, Chavej Ali, and Salman had called him to meet in Lisari gate(Meerut). It is alleged that Yash Rastogi had some obscene video of the three and they wanted him to delete it. But when he refused to do that, they together strangled him to death and later chopped his body and threw it in the nearby drain.

Also Read: The killing of a Hindu man by a Muslim zealot puts Gujarat in a precarious situation

In this age, when we are aspiring to be more cultured and civilized, how can a 22-year-old young develop such hatred against his friend that one day he will kill him? Umesh Kolhe, who reportedly helped his friend Dr. Yusuf Khan financially in his difficult times, instigated his co-religionist friend to kill him for a sharing post. Yash Rastogi, a 21-year-old law student was killed by his friend and like professional criminals, they tried to wash out the evidence too.

In above both the incidents, friends were the main culprit who ensured that their friends must be killed. In a planned manner, with the help of co-religionists, these criminals killed their Hindu friends. So, dear Hindu, choose your friend wisely and ensure that you remain united with your co-religionist in these terrorizing times.

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