The liberal cabal has displayed its info war power to Modi government

Information warfare

When a coordinated attack was launched by global classical liberals against the three farm laws, we were forced to repeal the law passed by the sovereign country’s sovereign parliament. The transnational repercussions of this modern information warfare are such that the world’s largest democracy’s constitutional functioning was held hostage by some virtual people. Similarly, in the alleged case of hurting religious sentiments by BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma, the liberal cabal has once again displayed its info war power.

The Information War

In this case, an edited video of a debate was circulated widely on social media by some propaganda handles and this spread like wildfire. In due course of time, within the country, various life threatening messages and phone calls were made to Nupur Sharma. She was also threatened to be publicly behead or raped.

Moreover, when, both the Prime Minister and President of India were in Kanpur (UP), a stone pelting situation was also reported attributing to the incident.

Taking this incident further to international level, a global campaign on social media was launched against the incident which resulted in a series of condemning statements by Muslim countries.

This international information warfare kneels down not only the world’s largest democracy but also the world’s largest political party. To pacify the situation, they had to suspend both of the spokesperson who had allegedly issued derogatory statements.

Read More: We are at war. The international civil society has forced it upon India

Mechanization of info warfare

A social media watcher group, The Hawk eye has tried to explain the modus operandi of such information war.

The group has also highlighted the fact that “76% of tweets are in Arabic (sampling), the trend was further pushed by the various handle in Gulf and Islamic nations. In India and nearby, it’s been contributed by Alt News co-founder Md Zubair and PTI, South Asian INdex (Pak handle) who used the hashtag key-word in their tweet”.

During the CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act), NRC (National Register for Citizens), and farmers’ protest a coordinated tool kit was launched by such forces to defame India. In a systematic and organized structure, a coordinated campaign was launched against India and the nationalist government in the country. Feeding on the internal Lefto-Islamist groups, the international groups are mechanizing the internal conflict and providing every support to these groups.

A strong defence against the information war

With the growth of the internet and mobile phones, the world is now more connected than it has ever been before. It has now become easy to manipulate or create disorder in other countries remotely.

The need of the hour is a strong structured defence force against such targeted campaigns. A strong modern cyber defence must be created to watch on such organised propaganda against India. The law must be made in light of the information warfare to authorise security agencies to urgently talk to such social media platforms and urgently take action against such groups.

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A proper grievance redressal mechanism should be initiated to prevent such propaganda information war which has the ability to disrupt the harmony & order in the society. This can potentially lead a country into a civil war like situation. Further, India must be collaborating with likeminded countries like US, France or Israel to share intelligence information in order to timely deal with such groups. Believe it or not this is a war. A war of modern times. Where the enemies are hiding behind computers, laptops or mobile phones. And, to protect the sovereignty of Bharat and its people, every tool of the state should be used.

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