Collection of 35 Surrender quotes and captions

surrender quote and caption

Below, you will find a compilation of motivational, happy, and encouraging Surrender quotes, Never Surrender quotes, and Never Surrender proverbs. These surrender quotes will help you to know when giving up is a better decision, and when staying in the fight is right. Use these surrender quotes to help you discern which things in your life you should give up on, and which things do not. As you can see, there are certain things in life we must surrender to in order to lead good lives.

35 Surrender Quotes

As you can see, there are certain things in life we must surrender to in order to lead good lives.

When we hang on to things we should not, it makes things harder on us in the long run.

There are times where you need to be determined to not give up, even if that may be the easiest path.

It might feel like pushing yourself is always a better idea, and never give up, you’ve heard that one.

To survive, you have to give in without giving up, i.e., embrace the reality completely with all of its terrors, and never let go of your desire to survive. – surrender quotes

When you get defensive, blaming others, rather than accepting and surrendering to the present, you are going to encounter resistance to your life.

Once you have learned how never to quit, you must then learn the power and wisdom of unconditional surrender, and how the two things do not cancel each other out; they simply exist as opposites.

That is why I say that only lovers become sannyasins: Because they have learned some how to surrender.

We can learn to just be aware of ourselves, to just give what we can do – which is surrendering our will, to doing the will of God.

A lot of times, you have just got to submit to His Will, and learning how to submit was the main thing for me, getting me out of my own way, surrendering to Gods Will. – surrender quotes

To live life one day at a time; enjoy it moment by moment; to embrace difficulty as the path to peace; to take this sinful world as it is, rather than how I want it; to trust that He will make everything right, if I surrender to his will; so I can be pleasantly content this life, and overwhelmingly content forever with Him forever the next.

Casting myself on, surrendering yourself to that Christ Who lives this life of total surrender to God, so God may prepare for you the new Nature that he might give to you, and In whom he may make you as he himself.

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Give Up captions and sayings

To abandon everything is to take our hearts, place them before Him who created them, and to have faith that He could powerfully live a life by our surrendered lives.

It is, I would argue, to go to war with every bit of our might, every bit of power that God might give us, to go to war against the kind of monstrous tyranny never transcended in the bleak, pathetic catalog of human sin.

Surrender is saying, Even if I cannot see where this river is flowing, I trust that it will carry me in the right direction.

These quotes about surrendering help you to know when giving up is a better decision, and when keeping the fight is right.

Choose to believe there is a bigger plan for you, and if you surrender, it will be revealed in due time.

The more you flow with life and surrender to God the results, the less you look for permanent clarity, the more you will find fabulous things begin to manifest themselves in your life. – surrender quotes

Surrendering is giving away something that is yours to someone else because you were forced to do it, or because you need to, or ceasing to resist an enemy or an adversary and surrendering to their authority.

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It is surrendering yourself for the noble task, utterly submitting your own private advantages and personal pleasures to truth and to others well-being, and willingly accepting whatever disabilities may result from your interests.

The greatest human achievement in the whole world is for one to have oneas life surrendered so fully to him, that through this life God the Almighty would have His name praised.

For there is no such thing as a union with God as consisting only in surrendering and submitting our will–with our thoughts, words, and actions–to the will of God.

Without unreserved surrender to God, any position to which I may rise remains no more than one or perhaps two steps from the solid cellar floor of life, because I may feel quite assured that of myself I shall never rise from the cellar. – surrender quotes

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Surrender Quotes and captions

I shall say, It is waging war with all our strength, with all power that God can bestow upon us, waging war against the monstrous tyranny that is never exceeded in the bleak, wretched catalog of human crimes. – surrender quotes

My friends, however hard the going, we can, and we will, never, ever give up on what is right.

We shall defend our country, whatever the cost, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight in the landing grounds, we shall fight on the fields and streets, we shall fight on the hills; we shall never, ever surrender.

All those who surrender shall be spared; he that does not surrender, and stands against it by strife and dissension, must be exterminated.

Remember that what is right to one is not automatically right to another when it comes to surrender.

There are times where you need to get determined to NOT give up, even if that may be the easiest path.

Once you have learned not to surrender, you must then learn the power and wisdom of unconditional surrender, and that the two are not in opposition; they simply exist as opposites.

Either you surrender because you recognize your own inability and need some higher force to help you, or you explore the causes of suffering by going to the source and merging with Self. – surrender quotes

If each time we pick the turd, society, at great cost, allows us simply to trade it for a pepperoni, then we will not only never learn how to make wise choices, but will surrender our freedom to choose, for the consequence less choice is not really a choice at all.

For no people would meekly give up their freedom, or easily be ruled, where knowledge is diffused and virtue preserved.

A Mans Dignity may be attacked, defaced, and brutally ridiculed, but he cannot ever be taken from him, except by capitulation.

Turn away your face from the bright lights of the day, turn your thoughts from cold, indifferent lights, and hear the music of the night… Close your eyes, surrender yourself to the darkest dreams, cleanse your mind from life as you knew it.

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