Collection of 22 Rejection quotes and captions

rejection quote and caption

You will find a selected selection of popular quotes on Overcoming rejection below, which you can read and share with others. We are sure that you will find many quotes that are relevant to you that can comfort you when facing rejection or whatever may lower your mood. If you like these quotes, you will like our selection of powerful quotes about depression that offer some perspective. I hope it gives you some inspiration to push through, and to lift you up after being rejected. Have a wonderful day, and remember you can conquer your fear of rejection, or allow it to hold you back.

27 Rejection Quotes

Never let rejection stand in the way of getting what you deserve in life, because you love what you are after, things like rejection and failure are not going to stand in your way.

Rejection is part of the job description of anybody who works in art…There has to be some sense of purpose…of where you want to take your art, and nobody else will determine this except you.

If you want to become a professional artist, but are unwilling to have your work rejected hundreds, even thousands, of times, then you are done before you begin. – rejection quotes

Your work will take up a huge portion of your life, and the only way you can be truly fulfilled is if you are doing work that you think is good.

Galleries are going to turn you down, people are going to say unsympathetic things about your work, critics are going to ignore you, and family members are going to conspire to steal time from your paintings, but you need to pick yourself up and keep going.

Remember, everybody is flawed in his or her own way; it is just everyone goes through life at different speeds.

Smaller people make you always feel this way, but true greats make you feel like you too could become a great.

Just because someone has rejected you does not mean that you are a bad person or cannot reach your goals.

If someone who has rejected you is someone who is important to you or who you care about, ignoring them may sometimes be the best way to handle the situation. – rejection quotes

Ignoring them can help you avoid any potential awkwardness or conflict, and can help reduce any hurt that comes from being rejected.

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Refusal captions and sayings

Rejection can be as simple as being ignored by someone we are attracted to, or being passed over for the job we wanted.

Rejection can happen when someone is not chosen for something they want, like a job, or when someone is not accepted by a group of people.

Whether the rejection is being told that you are not good enough for a job, being chosen to join a team, or being rejected by someone you love, a rejection can feel like a punch to the gut. – rejection quotes

When we are faced with rejection, it can either hit our ego, or it can cause us to wonder whether or not we are good enough.

Sometimes, the things that we learn from being rejected ultimately end up making us a better version of ourselves, in a better place.

Rejection is a part of life, and it can help you learn how to accept people for who they are, not what they did or said.

Rejection can frustrate, disappoint, and can even set you back… Learn to not take rejection so personally… If you are honest with yourself and you believe in your work, others will, too. – rejection quotes

Do not take a rejection personally, listen if it is smart, make changes if needed, then keep going.

You need to learn to accept the rejection not as a sign of individual failure, but a bad address.

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Rejection quotes and captions

Being rejected indicates you have more to learn, and this helps you to grow as a person.

Rejection teaches the writer to trust her judgment, to say, In my heart, screw it.

The biggest successes will be the first ones to tell you they would not be the same person today if they had not had to deal with rejection head-on and decide if they were going to throw in the towel, or if there was something else they needed to try.

You will be the first to say that successful people would not be the people they are today without having to face rejection head-on and decide whether to throw in the towel, or what different they need to try. – rejection quotes

I know it sounds easier than it is, but each rejection, each setback, and each disappointment is an opportunity to get better, retool, and try again, looking for opportunities that are even better suited to us than those that did not pan out the first time.

Artists rejection is like taking Cod Liver Oil; they say it is good for you, and you know they are right, but it is still hard to swallow.

Men who refuse to accept responsibility for their own thoughts and reasonings can exist only as parasites on other peoples thought.

A different outlook may help us better deal with rejection and its consequences, but then, even though reason knows this, it is still hard to ignore the emotions involved in rejection.

No longer sustained by the violence of her passion, she feels every dullness in her life-style, and her heart becomes a victim to boredom and exhaustion. – rejection quotes

Little He can remain attached to the world, he never utterly forgets it, nor is willing to be wholly forgotten by it. Manet…still endeavors to exhibit at Salon, and is sadly disappointed when rejected.

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