29 Nikita Gill Quotes- A beautiful collection you would love

nikita gill quote

With more than 600,000 followers on Instagram, Nikita Gill is a well-known author and poet. She has been writing since she was a little child, and when she was just 12 years old, her writing was first published. Her writing style is really distinctive and lovely, and readers may easily relate to her phrases. Enjoy the Nikita Gill quotes and captions and do not forget to share.

28 Nikita Gill quotes

I wish you could meet someone who can love you even when you’re depressed.

The marrow of your own bones has always been home to the softest affection you can ever experience.

Your heart will self-correct. You should be concerned with your thinking. Your mind is where you have retained the fragments of the memories that have injured you and continue to do so like shards of glass. – Nikita Gill quotes

When you fall in love for the first time, no one tells you that sometimes it’s a test of how well you handle fire.

It doesn’t have to feel like you’re losing them in a battle the last time you kiss someone.

Your love is not a zoo for heartless people. To be well-received is a blessing.

I lost my faith, misinterpreted my own genesis narrative, and transformed into a person who was half tragic and more miserable, and I even began to like it.

The fact that there is no sound when a heart break is incredibly unsettling.

Our mothers assure us that there are no monsters living behind our beds or in our closets, but they fail to mention that occasionally, monsters dress like people. – Nikita Gill quotes

The girl he loves is as blue as the nighttime sky and as deep as the ocean.

Nikita Gill’s captions

I frequently forget that I am also someone I love because I am so frightened of disappointing the ones I love.

Your heart is fashioned like a house, and while some have tried to break in and others have knocked, very few have ever declared it their own.

“I hope you get the love you deserve.” Those words might be the nicest wish or the harshest curse, depending on who you are and what you have done. – Nikita Gill quotes

If you can’t also be the Goddess of Kindness and Pure Intentions, what good is it to be the Goddess of Love?

The manner in which the people we love decide to leave us reveals the truth about them.

Like her sadness, the clouds are overflowing.

The first man to ever confess his love to me did so in front of the temple of a destroyer god, which should have been a bad sign; instead, I took it as a prayer. – Nikita Gill quotes

The worst part of losing you, though, was that you also took my heart.

He will adore you whether you are a summer storm or an ocean breeze, if he truly loves you.

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Nikita Gill quotes and captions

The intricacy of love is that I don’t think I’ve ever actually stopped loving somebody.

You look like a galaxy of stars with those freckles, just waiting to be discovered and loved.

People will betray you in the same way that Judas betrayed Jesus and Brutus betrayed Caesar, but you will still love them. – Nikita Gill quotes

The time I spent in sorrow was money I had to pay for my recovery.

Does a rotten heart no longer qualify as a heart?

The word “nearly” is the saddest word in the English language.

My mouth is on fire for you.

Love from you is not poison. It is their incapacity to understand it.

How do you resume your previous relationship with someone who has witnessed your soul?

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