29 Miserable People Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Miserable People quotes

There is nothing worse than walking into a hospital, seeing people who are ill, suffering, getting terrible treatments. One sees more and more people suffering and frustrated, and one feels that it is both good and smart to just leave them some pills. We have a collection of heart touching 29 more Miserable people quotes and captions here below and we hope that you will like it. Feel free to share these quotes on Instagram and Twitter.

29 Miserable People Quotes

While there is no single answer to that, there are some things that tend to make people miserable.

The question is not whether it is okay to make people miserable, it is whether making them miserable is not in your best interests.

If someone makes you more miserable than they make you happy, no matter how much you love them, you have to let them go.

If you wish to be miserable, reflect on yourself, on what you want, on what you enjoy, on the regard that people should have for you, on how people view you; then to you, nothing will ever be pure. Nothing is miserable, except that you believe it is; and, conversely, nothing brings Happiness, except that you are satisfied by it. – miserable people quotes

You may either be miserable dwelling upon the troubles that you have, or grateful for those that you do not.

If you are sick and tired of being miserable and wish to live happier, I came up with some habits of the extremely unhappy people you can avoid.

Happy people find ways to cope with their problems, while miserable people allow their problems to keep them from living.

Highly unhappy people let the problem become the center of their lives, talking about it all the time, bringing it up whenever they get a chance.

Highly miserable people feel like being shamed is the focus of the intentions of most people, and this makes a deeply unhappy person mistrustful, hurt, and constantly defensive. – miserable people quotes

A highly miserable person will surround himself with people who think alike, even taking up occupations which include criminal activities.

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Highly unhappy people want to be the people that people turn to, share their misery with, and to help bring the drama to a new level; exaggerating situations and comforting others with their sorry stories of how life has dealt them a brutal hand.

When the extremely unhappy person denigrates their past, they are referring to being born at the wrong place at the wrong time, or to living life as a child being miserable, never getting what they wanted.

A bitter person believes counting your blessings is a waste of time, and that life is always going to be filled with things that you are not grateful for.

It is rarely possible for a miserable person to be helped in thinking that his or her suffering is an injustice done to them by someone who is not so unhappy. Some are so dependent on their sufferings, they destroy everything which stands in the way of their correction.

The reason why so many people in our society are unhappy, unhealthy, and highly stressed is due to unhealthy attachments to things that they cannot control. – miserable people quotes

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It is the way people react to stress that determines if they are going to benefit or suffer through their unhappiness.

We do not live in communities of individuals to be suppressed and dominated by one another, or to make one another miserable, but to better and more reliably meet all the health needs of life.

Life can be hard, so you want to have people around who will spark the positive out of you, not the other way around.

Once you have successfully removed those people and their negativity from your life, you will be amazed how much healthier and happier you will become.

It is not easy, either, to live a life filled with negativity simply because of these people.

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Miserable People Quotes

The best way to live a miserable life is to be aware of what others are saying about you. There comes a time in your life when you have to stop reading other peoples books and write your own. – miserable people quotes

People think that you need to be tormented or unhappy in order to write, but I am finding these days I am much more inspired, even if I am not feeling that way.

People think I am a pathetic shitbag, but it is just that I am asked so many bloody pathetic questions.

It is an honor to do what I do for a living — take people out of their miserable days, or to educate someone, or to make someone laugh, or to make someone fall in love with an idea. At its best, it is an act of joyful illusion – two people really loving each other, with no conception of just how really unhappy they are going to make each other.

Two people can be doing exactly the same thing at the exact same time, yet one can be miserable while the other is happy.

The happiest is the person who suffers least pain; the saddest is the person who enjoys the least pleasure.

It is outrageous to contemplate men living in a world where they should not starve, where they should not die without medical assistance, where they should not be illiterate, where they should not be hopeless and unhappy so often, yet they are. Besides, these days, nearly every competent person is horribly afraid to be ridiculous, and is unhappy about it.

There are many high-minded men who are made miserable and dishonored simply by bad temperaments and morals; and lowly men who are made eminent and highly honored by having good temperaments and morals. – miserable people quotes

Humans can, for the most part, be miserable specimens, but we can learn, and by learning, become decent people.

The educational system may be useful to you to render you pathetic, or to render you boring, unpleasant, and bland, or to render you deeply foolish, in that peculiar way which intelligent human beings may be.

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