Below, you will find a compilation of motivational, happy, and encouraging quotes, solitary proverbs, and loner quotes about single people. You will find a selected selection of the most famous Loner quotes below, which you can read and share with others. There are a handful of quotes from loners that are profoundly deep and may bring tears to your eyes, and then some that are just kinda fun. Some of these loner quotes are by geniuses such as Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison.
28 Loner quotes
To some, the loner is an outcast, or the recluse, who everybody keeps far away because they are just weird.
Such people see being social as distraction, as an obligatory means to bind, as something they do not like. Most would say it is no good being a loner, as they feel left behind and alone. Being a loner does not make you a loner, being a lonely person may make you a loner.
Yes, I suppose one can argue that I am a loner, but I am much more lonely in a room full of boring people than I am alone. – loner quotes
I really feel like I am a loner, but I guess that is because I see things differently than the rest of the population.
A lot of times, characters that I have played, I am often sort of the loner, or I have no best friends, no best partners.
Some people see this as necessary traits to have as geniuses, while others hear the word loner and get scared.
Loners can also be perceived by others as being misunderstood or weird, leading them to feel isolated.
Not dulled by excessive human contact, or self-righteous, or focused on their own rear end when they are talking trash about themselves, loners are curious, alert, and filled with surprises. – loner quotes
A loner, someone who shuns others, or someone who is frequently lonely, or who enjoys being alone.
Other people romanticize the loner, seeing them as a kind of Lone Wolf, an almost mystic, powerful figure, full of ideas that are formed alone.
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Being Alone captions and sayings
One does not contemplate or plan on becoming a loner, but their basic nature and life experiences, which lead them down a path of loneliness, is usually one that is not traveled or undertaken as much by humans.
You begin as this sort of loner, an outcast, which many can relate to, and that sort of loner goes out in the world.
The Loner Who Looks Fabulous is one of the more fragile of the lot.
One of the many benefits of being a loner is that oftentimes, one has the time to reflect, to ponder, to contemplate, to deeply contemplate, to work things out in ones own mind. – loner quotes
It is great to be around the people you love, and they love you back, but being alone is also a healthy thing.
Being alone is not easy, but sometimes it is better than being with people who are not meant for you.
Some people find being left alone to be a little nerve-wracking, with too many uncomfortable dimensions of being alone. – loner quotes
If you find peace in solitude, then your time alone can be a blessing, a welcome respite from caring for the world.
It is OK to be lonely, because solitude has the power to make you stronger.
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Loner quotes and captions
Sometimes, it may seem that you are the only one who is lonely, but this is just because so many people feel it is not comfortable to talk about.
There is another kind of loneliness, too, and that describes people who feel lonely even though they are surrounded by people.
Being lonely in the presence of friends makes it really difficult to share your feelings and thoughts, causing an cycle of isolation.
When we feel lonely, sharing memories of happier times with friends makes us happier.
When you are feeling lonely, it is important to recognize that you are not alone. – loner quotes
People assume being lonely makes you feel lonely, but I think this is false.
The worst part of life is ending up with people that make you feel alone.
Only through our love and friendships can we make the illusion, for the time being, that we are not alone.
When we are allowed to be alone, we are free to be with others, not using them as an escape.
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