Collection of 30 Inspiring Walk away quotes and captions

walk away quote and caption

Read walk away quotes and captions to find inspiration for your everyday life. There are moments that define us. The times when we have to make a choice, whether or not to walk away. If you’re stressed, read this. If you feel like you’re losing it, read this. If you’re feeling down, read this. If you just want to feel better about yourself and your life, read this.

30 Walk away quotes

Smile, let them walk away in shame and keep your head high.

The ones who love you don’t always show it.

The ones who show it… aren’t always the ones who love you.

The world can be a difficult place. In fact, it’s often downright painful. But you know what? You don’t have to be the problem. You can be the solution. – walk away quotes

The only way to get rid of your enemies is to make them your friends.

When you walk away, don’t look back. Your destiny isn’t waiting for you in your past. Your future is in your hands.

Let people walk away from you, but don’t let them have the last word.

Never walk away from someone that loves you. If they have to chase you, then they don’t deserve you.

Walking away from someone who loves you doesn’t mean that they don’t love you anymore. They just love themselves more.

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Smile and walk away quotes

The first step to walking away is deciding to do it.

We have the choice to be happy or sad, and we can choose the path for our future.

Sometimes you just have to walk away. And sometimes, that’s the hardest thing you can do.

Walking away from a person when you feel like their just not good for you is the best thing you can do for yourself.

I used to be obsessed with the idea of being perfect. I was never good enough. I always wanted to do better, be better, and look better. But today I realize that the only person who wants me to be perfect is me. And so I released all my expectations and stopped expecting anything from anyone else. – walk away quotes

Let them walk away. Not only will they not be missed, they won’t be able to find their way back.

When life gets hard, you have to walk away. Everyone has the right to walk away from a relationship.

You’re better off walking away than staying in a toxic relationship.

Sometimes it’s better to walk away than stay and get hurt.

Walking away from a fight doesn’t mean you’re a coward. It means you’re smart enough to know when to save your energy.

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Walking away captions and sayings

You can’t make someone love you. You can only be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to the person to realize your worth.

You can’t control who you love, but you can control who you let into your life.

It’s hard to walk away from someone when they’re mad at you, but it’s even harder to walk away from someone who never wants to see you again. – walk away quotes

I don’t know if it’s okay to walk away from someone I love, but I do know that it’s not okay to stay with them when I’m not happy.

Walk away from toxic people and situations: it’s for your own good! You’ll thank yourself later!

You don’t need to be successful to be happy.

I could have been someone, but I got tired of the pain.

I don’t understand what you see in me.

I was lost, but now I’m found. So why do I feel so empty?

Sometimes I wonder if it would have been better had we never met at all, because now I can’t imagine life without you.

Life isn’t perfect, but it’s still good, even when it hurts to smile sometimes, but it’s worth it! The only regret we should ever have is not trying hard enough! – walk away quotes

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