Resentment quotes: to heal you from inside and bring positivity

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An unpleasant emotional reaction to being mistreated is referred to as resentment. There is no single origin of resentment, but the majority of cases involve a sense of being wronged or mistreated by another person. When you are mistreated by friends, or colleagues, the feeling that hits you can not be described in a sentence. The following resentment quotes below will help you heal a little bit and we hope that you will share these quotes on Instagram.

30 Resentment quotes

Burnout, I believe, is caused by resentment. ‘Wow, I worked 100 hours last week and couldn’t even get this thing I truly wanted, ‘ you could think.

Resentment is the equivalent of ingesting the poison and hoping the other person dies.

Worry, irritation, and resentment are the most common causes of weariness.

The ability to tolerate criticism without bitterness is the ultimate test of excellence.

Unforgiveness, anger, and resentment obstruct the flow of God’s blessings in life.

Life is dominated by an infinite cycle of bitterness and revenge if forgiveness is not practiced.

A coach is someone who can correct someone without making them resentful.

Character strength is defined as the ability to overcome resentment toward people, conceal injured feelings, and forgive swiftly.

Guilt is resentment directed at oneself for something we did or did not accomplish. A resentment is a form of rage directed against people for what they have done or have not done. – resentment quotes

Character strength is defined as the ability to overcome resentment toward people, conceal injured feelings, and forgive swiftly.

Dissatisfaction quotes and caption

Don’t make a distinction between ‘them’ and ‘we. ‘ Avoid obsessing over or resenting the press, Congress, competitors, or opponents. Take them at face value. They’ve got their jobs, and you’ve got yours.

A lot of the time, hope makes people good. You have hope for a better future, and your animosity has faded.

To be resentful of a rebuke is to admit that one may have merited it.

Resentment appears to have been provided to us by nature as a defence mechanism, and exclusively as a defence mechanism! It is the guarantee of justice as well as the assurance of innocent.

It’s only transitory, no matter how irritated, disappointed, or disheartened we are in the face of our failures. And the sooner you stop wallowing in guilt, blame, or hatred, the sooner you’ll be able to move on. – resentment quotes

A lot of our modern culture is tinged with resentment of constraints and the passage of time, anger at what we can’t do, dread, and even revulsion at growing old.

I began to notice how the state of our hearts influences how we see. If you have bitterness, hatred, and resentment in your heart, you will see the world as a very bad place.

If it is not utilised fairly, stop-and-search has the potential to generate a great deal of animosity and honesty among police officers, with all the implications that this has for developing distrust and ending public cooperation.

The worst resentment somebody can have is one that they feel justified in harbouring.

Parents are likely the most popular target of resentment, as they are typically blamed for all of our flaws and failures.

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Expectation resentment quotes

Earning money is not morally preferable to resentment.

I resented others and sought to manipulate and control them. I desired forgiveness, yet I refused to forgive others.

I don’t have time for judgement or animosity, so I don’t live with them.

All of this is compatible with a heretic’s faith: trying to make something out of suffering, relishing our victories, and bearing failures without animosity. – resentment quotes

A war in Iraq will not bring peace to the Middle East, nor will it solve the injustices that produce hatred and terrorists.

I have every reason, despite the resentment and exasperation, to be proud. I have nothing better to be proud of than being proud of German unity.

Bitterness and resentment only hurt one person, and it’s not the person we’re resenting – it’s us.

Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.

It is very difficult to get up resentment towards persons whom one has never seen.

If you hug to yourself any resentment against anybody else, you destroy the bridge by which God would come to you.

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