25 Looking Back Quotes: you can share with anyone

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Looking back on the past is nostalgic sometimes and sometimes hateful. The following Looking back quotes are relatable as well as shareable.

25 Looking back quotes

Looking back on your life, wisdom is seeing that every event, person, place, and concept contributed to the refined experience you needed to develop your goal. There was not a single blunder.

Take pleasure in the small things, because you never know when you’ll look back and realise they were the great things.

Looking back, I see little to be sorry for and much less to correct.

You live life in the present, but you comprehend it in the past. – looking back quotes

Looking back, we can see things clearly, and what formerly appeared to be challenges now appear to be blessings.

Looking back on my life’s journey, all I can say is that it has been a golden one.

The years pass. It’s true that time flies. Every every second is a passing moment in time. And it may appear insignificant at the time, but when you look back, it adds up to a lot.

It’s a bummer to realise I’m done. However, looking back, I have a lot of fond recollections.

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look back and smile quotes

Gazing forward will not allow you to join the dots; only looking backwards will allow you to do so.

Yes, I’m staring at you, at me, at you, at me, at you, at me, at you, at you, at you, at you, at you, at you, at you, at you, at you, at you, at you, at you

We don’t even notice or recognise the most significant occasions when they happen. We’re just going about our daily routines. We can only tell what a terrific event in our lives was by looking back. – looking back quotes

It’s strange how the best times of our lives go unnoticed until we look back.

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Living in the past is a dreary and lonely occupation; gazing back strains the… Edna Ferber quote

Looking back strains the neck muscles, causing you to run into others who are not travelling in the same direction as you.

I’m tipping my cap and returning the stare.

Looking back, you realise that a very unique individual came into your life for a little period of time—and it was you. It is not too late to locate that individual.

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You cannot look back; you must continue to gaze forward.

If you’re going to look back, be sure it’s to praise God for all He’s done.

Only through LOOKING BACK from the mountains of our FUTURE experience can the deep valleys of our PRESENT be UNDERSTOOD. We don’t always notice the LORD’S HAND in our lives until the challenges have passed. ESSENTIAL building pieces that form the FOUNDATION of our CHARACTER and pave the way for FUTURE opportunity, understanding, and happiness are sometimes the most difficult times in our lives.

Looking back on my tears always made me laugh, but I never expected looking back on my laughing to make me cry.

Looking back, I regret that I did not always express my love for the people I cared about. – looking back quotes

They say not to look back, but what other option do you have if you don’t know what’s ahead?

In your life, there is only one boss… and that boss is you! Every day, you must answer to the person who stares back at you in the mirror.

STOP BACKING UP! ! ! When your previous calls have gone unanswered! ! It doesn’t have anything new to say.

You can virtually tell where you are in life by how much you’ve started looking back rather than forward.

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