A powerful collection of judging others quotes to make your day

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We people have a tremendous skill of judging others but we never tend to judge ourselves. When we judge people there are certain things that we need to understand or keep in mind. So, let’s do it by reading the judging others quotes.

29 Judging others quotes

So long as you live, don’t judge men only on their external look.

Women begin to judge themselves as they acquire weight. Who cares, though! Accept what you have. ‘Belly, you may be popping out today, but I’m going to choose to love and nurture you,’ you can say.

Every single comment on any social media platform would be removed by me. Nobody should be able to judge you if you publish what you want, say what you want, and be who you want. – Judging others quotes

It’s amazing how easy it is to judge correctly after witnessing the evil that results from incorrect judgment!

When a dog stares at you, he or she isn’t thinking about your personality. You are not being judged by the dog.

I don’t know of any other way to predict the future but by looking at the past.

I’ve spent my entire life determining the gap between American reality and the American dream.

According to the main segments of the world’s history thus far, justice has always been in risk.

Answering the fundamental philosophical question of whether or not life is worth living entails deciding whether or not life is worth living.

We are better off if we can do as little judging as possible.

Quotes about being judged wrongly

When passing judgment on a friend, keep in mind that he is passing judgment on you with the same godlike and superior impartiality.

Any traumatic experience, such as abuse, can only be healed through experiencing, articulating, and judging every aspect of the original experience through a meticulous therapeutic disclosure process.

I’m not the one who makes the decisions. I mean, God didn’t command me to pass judgment on everyone.

My father had two distinct ways of judging things. Something was either lyrical or it wasn’t.

I am convinced that all humans possess exceptional energies and abilities. According to tales of mystical experiences, heightened creativity, and superior athletic and artistic performance, we have a greater life than we realize. – Judging others quotes

No one could have prepared me for the entire world to judge and compare myself to other artists. But the most important thing is to be a good person who cares about people and who carries himself well.

When it comes to good and evil, willing or liking is the same as judging when it comes to truth or lie.

I believe that judgment comes from within. It isn’t God who is passing judgment. The one who has to sleep at night is the one who is unpleasant.

The most important lesson I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older is that all I need is a small group of friends that inspire me, don’t judge me, and tell me when I’m judging myself. – Judging others quotes

The objective of the press-generated public opinion is to render the public incapable of judgment by instilling in it the attitude of someone irresponsible and uninformed.

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Judging others quotes

It can be difficult to distinguish between connecting with one’s own roots, understanding individuals from different backgrounds, and evaluating what is good or evil.

The hardest thing to overcome, in my opinion, is evaluating oneself and being your own harshest critic.

I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about how I look, and I don’t judge myself based on my appearance.

A word of caution: when you pass judgment on someone, it does not define that person. It makes you who you are. – Judging others quotes

The United States’ State Department has a track of of misjudging Asian conditions and Red Chinese objectives.

All those abstractions, those artificial creations, I distrust in the visual arts, particularly painting. I have a simple criterion for appraising them: if I can accomplish it, it isn’t art.

When you’re a Nordestino, everything is more difficult. You must work harder than anybody else since you will be judged harshly in comparison to the other players.

When we communicate with someone, we are judging them, we are communicating expectations, and we believe they have failed to meet those expectations. – Judging others quotes

The majority of people have no other method of measuring a man’s worth except by the vogue he is in or the fortunes he has encountered.

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