41 Cutting Quotes: shareable and significant collection

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Sometimes cutting is important in life. You do not need everything in life to be happy and situations are not always favored to hold everything you have. Cutting less important things and prioritizing important things can give you joy and a feeling of fulfillment. Enjoy the following Cutting quotes.

41 Cutting quotes

I wish I could tell him to stop cutting and tell him that I will be his savior and light.

I pray that one day I will be able to rescue him from the darkness he is in.

Cutting is just another physical avenue for a person’s internal pain to be relieved.

I’ll let the anguish take over till it numbs my entire body at times.

The sword can feel heavy in my hands at times, and when that happens, I cry.

Crying can be a good alternative to cutting, and I hope you will give it a try. – cutting quotes

Remember that I am here, and I will always be here, whenever you are down and depressed.

Allow me to take that blade from you; I will be your friend; let us forget about your suffering.

Cutting can make you feel like you’re doing the correct thing rather than the opposite.

There were nights when I couldn’t sleep unless I let the razor rip me up and bleed.

Cut out quotes and captions

You have the ability to put a stop to this; you have the ability to cease cutting.

You are not deserving of the suffering you are inflicting on yourself; you are not deserving of this.

You are deserving of better; you are deserving of happiness and a life free of self-harm.

I hope everything goes well for you in the future. – cutting quotes

The light shone today, and I pray it finds its way to your dark cave and draws you out.

I was desperate to cut; I needed to feel something because I was numb on the inside.

I didn’t think I’d be able to do it the first time, so seeing some blood was satisfying.

Perhaps they cut so that others would notice that they require assistance; they require someone.

I didn’t want to hurt anyone, so I cut myself, just to unknowingly inflict additional suffering.

Cutting Pain quotes

I was in pain on the inside and needed to let it out, so I cut myself deep and long.

Except when I have the razor in my hand, nothing goes well in my life.

So I passed my blade to you, hoping that you would understand, but you handed it back.

These scars remind me of every pain I went through of all the things I had survived. – cutting quotes

When I look at the scars, I remind myself that at least I just cut; I did not do drugs.

I know just how sad and upset you are, but I wish that you face them head-on and never let them get the best out of you.

Sometimes, the darkness swallows me whole; the other times, it envelopes me until I am gone.

I hope you find someone who will love you and show you that cutting is never the solution. – cutting quotes

So that night, I did something I never believed I could do: I cut my arm and bled for an extended period of time.

All of my struggles boil down to me slashing myself so hard that I bleed.

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Cutting Captions

The night I got my first scar and concluded I wanted a few more is one I’ll never forget.

Scars fade, but memories and anguish don’t, so I make the mistake new.

Every cut I make on my skin relieves the pain I’m currently experiencing.

Cutting is sometimes the only way I can think of to get away, so I do it. – cutting quotes

The razor seems to be my sole buddy when I’m depressed and lonely, therefore I rely on it to keep me happy.

When I see my blood flowing down the floor, I get a rush of euphoria.

I’d never felt so joyful in my life, so I did it every day, slashed myself, and slept.

Cutting can feel like breathing at times, as if I couldn’t survive without it. – cutting quotes

Maybe one day I’ll be able to stop cutting and the pain I’m experiencing on the inside will go gone.

Tomorrow will be another day of tears and misery for me, and I’d rather stay at home and cut.

For the time being, cutting is still my only way out, and I hope you understand.

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