Some of the best Annoyed quotes and captions

annoyed quote and caption

It is possible to walk through life’s drama without fully believing in the role we are portraying. It’s an issue for us that we take ourselves so seriously, that we think we’re so important in our own heads. We feel justified in our dissatisfaction with everything. We feel justified in putting ourselves down or believing that we are smarter than others. The following annoyed quotes are about annoying things and the feeling of being annoyed.

19 Annoyed quotes

Self-importance harms us by confining us to the small universe of our preferences.

We become bored with ourselves and our surroundings. We never seem to be satisfied.

Those of us who know everything find people who believe they know everything annoying.

Everything about others that frustrates us can lead to a better understanding of ourselves.

If we were perfect, we wouldn’t be bothered as much by the flaws of others with whom we associate.

I move from annoyance to breakdown, then recover and go from prostration to fury, resulting in an average level of irritation.

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My first recollections of outdoor cooking are inconsistent British summers, Dad shouting at a BBQ he couldn’t put together, and eventually eating burnt sausages and feeling fantastic. – annoyed quotes

Friends can assist one another. A true friend is someone who gives you complete freedom to be yourself, especially when it comes to feeling. Alternatively, do not feel. They are unconcerned about how you are feeling right now. Allowing a person to be who he truly is is what true love entails.

The best method, I’ve discovered, is to be grateful for and receptive to the attention rather than afraid of it. Rather than being angry that people desire my attention, it makes my days better. – annoyed quotes

If we were perfect, we wouldn’t be bothered as much by the flaws of others with whom we associate.

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Irritation quotes and captions

I’d like to read a Harry Potter book soon to see what all the fuss is about. I confess to being irritated that many good light fantasy authors have had difficulty being published in England and elsewhere, despite the fact that the readers were clearly waiting for us all along.

Anyone who figured out how to rejoice when things go well while remaining annoyed when they don’t would have figured out the point.

My dreams were all mine; I had no one to blame for them; they were my haven when I was angry and my sweetest delight when I was free.

Please don’t let the sunset on me. – annoyed quotes

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You deny yourself access to life’s best potential when you spend hours and days being annoyed or frustrated. You block yourself off from life’s better when you live in wrath and resentment.

We, like the feet, hands, eyes, and rows of upper and lower teeth, were created for synergy. Working against each other is unnatural, and becoming irritated and turning away is ineffective. – annoyed quotes

Things irritate me greatly. My wife needs to count to ten because I get annoyed at her getting annoyed at me being annoyed.

I’m not in the business of annoying people.

You’re providing each other with the positive sides of being together in terms of contact and support online, but you’re not dealing with the realities of paying bills together or being angry when they leave the toilet seat up or don’t put the food away in the refrigerator.

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