Collection of TOP 28 Sweat Quotes and Sayings

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List of 28 most famous sweat quotes and sayings that you can share on Facebook, Twitter, blog and share with your friends. Below is a collection of 28 of the best quotes that will inspire you through any tough time. Motivation matters, positive quotes etc. are great reminders during low motivation or difficult times; however, these things will only get you so far.

Best 28 Sweat Quotes

When no one else is looking, a champion’s vision is bending over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion.

It’s what you sweat that determines what you get.

Sweat is a blood saver.

There’s nothing like working up a good sweat to get you in shape.

Between dreams and success, there’s a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.

Sweat, sweat, and more sweat! Work hard, cry hard, pray hard, and sweat!

I have nothing but blood, toil, tears, and sweat to offer. – sweat quotes

Gold medals are earned through a lot of sweat, blood, and tears, as well as daily effort and sacrifice in the gym.

The real healing happens when we start working together… when we start spilling our sweat instead of our blood.

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Hard work quotes and sayings

I have a positive mindset and believe I am divine, but I also believe it takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.

Tears and sweat are both salty, but they have different effects. Tears will bring you sympathy, but sweat will bring you cash.

Enjoy your sweat because, while hard work does not guarantee success, it does ensure that you have a fighting chance.

I don’t sweat three hours a day just to find out what it’s like to sweat.

Every morning I wake up in a cold sweat, no matter how things went the day before.

I will scroll and scroll through a menu item or forget to order groceries and get up at 4 am. in cold sweat over artichokes.

I’m fed up with these streets covered in cold yellow slime, hostile people, crying until I fall asleep every night.

When you do this kind of work, you must feel cold sweat on your back.

It’s not as bad as not eating, but it’s strange: the cold sweat all over the forehead, which has to be rubbed every two minutes, smells like skin concentrate. – sweat quotes

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Sweat Quotes

A bead of cold sweat rolled off my fingertip before dripping onto the doorbell.

I still can’t hear the melody of the Heartbeat theme without a cold sweat because it started at the same time as my turn.

When I look at you for a moment, I can no longer speak, but my tongue is silent, and immediately a gentle flame flows under the skin, and I can’t see anything with my eyes, and my ears buzz, and wet sweat gets wet and a tremor takes me everywhere.

I talk about dancing so deeply, so strongly, so full of rhythm, that you are nothing but dance, rhythm, sweat and heat.

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It keeps you healthy—alcohol, bad women, sweat on stage, bad food—and alcohol is very good for you.

Never letting them see that you sweat means effective leadership, not showing your colleagues your hard work while you’re fighting for peace.

Great leaders can see greatness in others, even if they don’t see it themselves, and guide them to reach their full potential they may not even realize. – sweat quotes

It’s just a patriarchal way of thinking that can even make a woman look emaciated, but another important discovery is that many men hate what they do.

Many men, says Joe Clark, treat women as if they were as expendable as sugarcane.

I don’t need any bodyguards because even the bravest men who approach me have weak knees and their hearts turn to water and their heads become dazed and unable to think as the sweat of fear paralyzes them. – sweat quotes

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