TOP 17 Revolution quotes and Captions for Instagram

revolution quote and caption

Rebellion is a positive thing, and it’s as vital in the political world as storms are in the physical one. Loved this quote? Well we have collected 17 – more revolution quotes and captions that you can share on Instagram or Twitter.

17 Revolution Quotes

A people fighting for life and liberty are rarely inclined to look favorably on men or measures whose passions, interests, or consequences would conflict with those intangible objects.

A revolution is just a group of people seizing power from another.

Revolution is justified when the constitution is in jeopardy.

Do they want a system that is truly just? So, we’ll make arrangements for them to be satisfied with something a little less unjust… We’ll offer them reforms — plenty of reforms; we’ll drown them in reforms. They want a revolution, so we’ll give them reforms. Or, more accurately, we’ll drown them with promises of reforms, because we’ll never actually deliver them any! ! – revolution quotes

The blood of patriots and tyrants must be sprinkled on the tree of liberty from time to time. It’s its natural fertilizer.

In white gloves, you can’t make a revolution.

The weight of tyranny has never been lessened by revolutions. They’ve only moved it to a different shoulder.

It is not difficult to be a revolutionary when the revolution has already erupted and is in full swing, when everyone is joining the movement simply because they are swept up in it, because it is fashionable, and sometimes even for careerist reasons. Being a revolutionary is significantly more difficult—and far more valuable—when the circumstances for direct, open, truly mass, truly revolutionary fight do not yet exist.

It takes a lot of blood to start a revolution. The revolution is a hostile environment. There are no compromises in revolution. Everything that stands in the way of revolution is overturned and destroyed. “I’m going to love these people no matter how much they detest me, ” you declare, sitting around like a knot on the wall. No, a revolution is required. Who’s heard of a revolution where people lock arms and sing “We Shall Overcome, ” as Reverend Cleage so eloquently pointed out? Just let me know. In a revolution, you don’t do that. You don’t sing because you’re too preoccupied swinging.

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Rebellion Quotes and Sayings

Any people who are inclined and have the means to do so have the right to rise up and overthrow the current government and build a new one that better meets their needs. – revolution quotes

The most formidable revolutionaries are those who are well-behaved children. They don’t say anything, don’t hide under the table, and just consume one chocolate bar at a time. Later on, though, they make society pay a high price.

You say you want a revolution; well, we all want to make the world a better place… But don’t you know you can count me out when it comes to destruction?

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You don’t have a revolution if you love your adversary, and you don’t have a revolution if you urge the exploitation system to incorporate you into it. Systems are overturned through revolutions. Systems are destroyed by revolutions.

While revolutions are always possible, they are never declared, and they are never planned, even by those with revolutionary intentions.

The rebels are rarely to blame for revolutions. Every revolution would not have been necessary if the governing elite had not been so selfish, decadent, corrupt, and vicious, if they had not suppressed the people for so long. – revolution quotes

A revolution is coming, one that will be peaceful if we are wise, compassionate if we care enough, and successful if we are fortunate enough, but one that will come whether we want it or not. We can change its personality, but we can’t change its inevitability.

Always remember that the only thing standing in the way of a full-fledged revolution is your fear of losing the scraps they throw to you.

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