Leaders like Mani Shankar Aiyar are the reason why Diplomats are not considered fit for political posts

Some people with their actions bring disrepute to the profession they work in, the legend among them is Mani Shankar Aiyar. He is a loudmouth who has always drowned himself in controversy and shamelessly never corrects his narcissistic acts.

Undiplomatic Manishankar Aiyar

Diplomats are said to be more balanced, toned-down and pragmatic. Diplomats have to find ways of working within the line that has been set by the government of the country. But Mani being Mani has forgotten this basic trait of diplomacy and spoke disgracefully in Pakistan, not just out of state line but went on to undermine the democratic process and questioned the intellect of Indians to decide who they should have as their elected representative.

He in a televised panel discussion on a Pakistani news channel asked for Pakistan’s help in removing PM Modi from power. In response to the question posed to him by the Duniya TV anchor, about what needs to be done to resume talk between India and Pakistan. Mani said, “The first and the foremost thing is to remove Modi. Only then can the talks move forward. We have to wait for four more years. They (panelists) are all optimist and that we can move forward when Modi Sahab is there, but I don’t think so.”

Disgraceful and loudmouth “Mani”

The meaning of the word “Mani” means important gem but contrary to his name ManiShankar Aiyar’s actions and words have always been those of pity and disgust. His infamous spat and beating from Amar Singh is one of a kind for diplomats. He in a drunken state showed his arrogance, elitism and uncontrollable behaviour very unkindly to diplomats. He used derogatory words for Mulayam Singh Yadav and got involved in a fistfight with Amar Singh.

Read More: When Amar Singh called Mani Shankar Aiyer a habitual offender

In 2014 he forgot the basic principle of democracy, that anyone can rise, be eligible for the post of Public representative and get elected. He insulted the humble background of Narendra Modi by deliberately invoking ‘Chai’ and categorically said that Modi can never become PM but if he wants to distribute tea, we can arrange that for him. This shows his arrogance, elitism and lack of respect for people with a humble background. He had insinuated bad things about the birthplace of Bhagwan Shri Ram. He stooped to every low and commented “Ayodhya palace had many rooms, who knows in which Lord Ram was born.”

Read More: Mani Shankar Aiyer: a history of utterly insensitive interviews and statements

S Jaishankar and Hardeep Singh Puri are ‘good’ examples of diplomats turned politicians. They resist using such garbage language or imitating such filthy acts like Mani Shankar.  Unlike Mani Shankar Aiyar who deliberately stokes controversy, Jaishankar and Hardeep Puri have been many times pushed into controversial topics and slippery slopes but using diplomatic skills they didn’t allow the filth of politics to come into play. But expecting such behaviour from ManiShankar Aiyar is like expecting pigs to fly.

It is hard for diplomats to enter into politics and be successful. There is a saying that only a few bad apples are enough to rot the whole bunch. Mani Shankar Aiyar with his undiplomatic behaviour has put a blot on diplomats turned politicians and may make it tough for diplomats to consider politics as a viable option and for politicians to persuade diplomats to join politics.

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