Childish Quotes: Share with anyone and stay childish

childish quote to share

Here is a beautiful collection of Childish funny Quotes. Feel free to share with anyone and remind all that amazes you.

46 Childish Quotes

Innocence is expressed by being infantile.

You have the heart of a child.

Someone’s infantile behavior could be concealing a philosopher.

Some people enjoy playing with children’s toys.

Some things can only be understood through the eyes of a youngster.

Even if it appears childish, do it. – childish quotes

Children can teach you how to appreciate the present moment.

Fairy tales have a lot to teach us about life.

It makes you delighted to act like a child.

Happiness being Childish Quotes

Not walking into the puddle is a sure indicator that you’ve reached adulthood.

Playing games might assist you in gaining a better understanding of concepts.

Men will always be children. – childish quotes

Nothing can stifle a child’s creativity.

It’s possible to have a good time without being childish.

At times, our childlike instincts can get out of hand.

It’s a rare gift to still be able to play.

Keep your inner child alive.

Every artist has a child within them.

Actors must maintain their childish imaginations.

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Childish Quotes Funny

Life has the ability to bring out our inner child.

Every one of us has a child inside.

I intend to stay a child.

You admit to being childish.

Play can help you find the magic all around you.

Never give up and never lose your sense of wonder as a child.

Great musicians have attributes that are similar to those of children.

Childhood can be relived at any time in one’s life.

Invention comes from play.

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Kid Nature sayings and quotes

We occasionally discover that we were considerably happy as children.

Willpower is what distinguishes humans from animals. It’s the ability to control our impulses, resist temptation, and do what’s right and good in the long run rather than what we want to do right now. It is, in fact, fundamental to civilization. – childish quotes

The only way to complete something thoroughly is to put forth a lot of effort. ” You’re in danger the instant you fall in love with what you’re doing and think it’s beautiful or wealthy.

When one difficult task is completed, the next becomes clearer and easier.

This quality of self-denial in the pursuit of a longer-term objective, as well as the determination to keep the denial going, is good boardroom training.

I used to parade down the street like a celebrity… I want people to be delusional about how amazing they can be, and then strive so hard every day for it that the fiction becomes the truth. – childish quotes

We don’t have to be smarter than everyone else; we just have to be more disciplined.

My decisions will determine the course of my life. It will be entirely up to me whether I succeed or fail. I am the force; I have the ability to overcome any obstacle in my path or become lost in the maze. My decision; my responsibility; win or lose, only I have control over my fate.

It doesn’t matter if you want to be successful in business, athletics, the arts, or life in general: discipline is the key to getting there.

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Kiddo Quotes and Sayings

Passion is a form of energy. Feel the strength that comes from focussing on your passions.

More than any other thing, your capacity to discipline yourself to create clear goals and then work toward them every day will ensure your success.

Define success on your own terms, attain it according to your own set of guidelines, and create a life you’re proud of.

The proactive person’s capacity to subordinate an impulse to a value is the essence of their personality.

More than our ability, it is our decisions that reveal who we truly are.

The key to success is willpower. Regardless of how they feel, successful people seek to overcome indifference, doubt, and fear by using their willpower. – childish quotes

We must recognise that we will not always make the best judgments, that we will make major mistakes from time to time, and that failure is not the antithesis of success, but rather a necessary part of it.

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