Bhagwan Ram is an ideal that Indians look up to, this is why liberals hate him

A sovereign authority of Dharma. Adhering to every idea of ethics, morality & values, Bhagwan Ram is an institution of the supremacy of right in itself. He was an enlightened king, who would subordinate his interest for the sake of the interest of his nearest & dearest people. Every ideal, inscribed in the Indian Constitution is a living portrayal of Bhagwan Ram’s life.

Attempt to malign the ideals of Indian civilization

Recently a video circulated online claims to be from the Lovely Professional University (LPU), Punjab. Which, professor Gursang Preet Kaur abused Bhagwan Ram saying, “Ram was not a good person. He is a cunning person.” Further, she claims “Ram made the plan, put Sita into trouble, and put all the blame on Ravan.”

Earlier this month, An Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) professor was suspended for linking rape with Hindu Gods. The professor teaching the historical perspective of rape mentioned the “Story of Brahma raping her daughter”, “Indra impersonation of Rishi Gautam and raping her wife”, and “Tulsi Vivah: Lord Vishnu Raping wife of King Jalandhar” etc.

There has been a trend of abusing Hindu Gods & their ideals to discredit the Hindu religion. Every religious identity of Hindus is being targeted by Islamist-Left-Liberal gangs.

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Bhagwan Ram – An ideal King

When Plato talks about the ideal authority of power, he talks about a Philosopher King. The king is an institution of knowledge in himself. He claims “No law or ordinance is mightier than knowledge’’. Ram possesses the knowledge of all. He is the same philosopher-king who strives for every ethical virtue in his governance. He is upright, true to his vows, modest & a preserver of law. His character is pure & wise. He is widely accepted & protected by his subjects. He is Maryada Purushottama (the perfect man) Bhagwan Ram.

When in life, we always struggle to live an ethical life. Fueled with anger, jealousy, and greed, competing in the rat race of an imaginary success. Ram’s life gives practical and solutions-oriented examples. His life reflects that there is no contradiction in simultaneously achieving prosperity (artha), pleasure (kama), and right (dharma). With incorruptibility in character & righteousness of mind, we achieve the targeted goals of life.

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His every act became a universal truth

Leaving his rightful kingdom to fulfill the promise of his father Raja Dasharath, he not only sacrificed his kingdom but also lived in the forest for 14 years. His firmness to fulfill his father’s promise made to his wife, speaks of Bhagwan Ram’s respect for his father’s promise. Furthermore, he teaches us the value of family. A property can be earned back but when a family breaks into pieces there are fewer chances of uniting them.

Further, taking the help of Vanar Sena, he teaches us the capacity of every small creature on earth. A small living creature can be so big that a strong king like Ravan can be easily defeated. He didn’t have a formal army of men, all he had was Vanar Sena.

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It is his ideals & Dharma which are sustaining a rich civilization. It’s not that there is a constitution, that’s why we have a democratic country. It is the people of India, the culture & inculcation of peace throughout the centuries which has set democracy in motion. It is the ideals of Sanatan identity which prevail all around the culture that despite the successive foreign attacks, suppressive rule of Muslim invaders & despotic British kingdom, we survived. Writing the civilizational story for the future generation.

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