AEN Full Form with Explanation and Definition

AEN Full form table

We are going to talk about the Full Form of AEN and What is AEN? There are various categories where the AEN is being used on a daily basis so we have included major abbreviations of AEN so you can find definitions and explanations here.

Abbreviations with Explanation 

In Chemistry, the Full form of AEN is All Elements Number.

Explanation – As per the periodic law, the properties of Elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.

In the Agency, Full form of AEN is Agence pour l’Energie Nucléaire.

Explanation – The Nuclear Energy Agency is an intergovernmental organisation that operates under the auspices of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

In the Job Title, Full form of AEN is Assistant Engineer Operations & Maintenance.

Explanation – Operations engineers follow a set of industrial rules to ensure that all processes and functions under their control run smoothly. They work in the manufacturing and shipping industries, and their job requires them to adhere to factory and management requirements.

In the Orgnaisation, Full form of AEN is the Apprenticeship Employment Network.

Explanation – The Group Training Association of Victoria, now known as Apprenticeship Employment Network (AEN), is a peak industry body that represents not-for-profit group training organisations throughout Victoria. It is part of a national network of group training associations.

AEN’s members employ over 7,500 apprentices and trainees across all industry sectors in Victoria, and are supported by a network of 10,000+ host employers – small and medium-sized businesses.

At both the state and national levels, AEN provides support and leadership to its members in the areas of advocacy, negotiation, and policy development.

In the Military and Defence, meaning of AEN is Atccs Engineering Network.

In the Organization, Full form of AEN is the Australian-European Network.

Explanation – Five Australian universities and 31 European universities are part of Australian-European Network, which collaborate on student exchange programmes.

A student exchange programme is more than just a chance to study in a different country. It’s an opportunity to see a new landscape, learn about a different culture, discover more about yourself and what you’re capable of, and make lifelong friends in the process.

In Medical Science , Full form of AEN is Apoptosis Enhancing Nuclease.

Explanation – apoptosis-enhancing nuclease (AEN) is a novel direct target gene of p53. AEN is induced by p53 with various DNA damage, and its expression is regulated by the phosphorylation status of p53.

In the Organization, meaning of AEN is Africa Evidence Network.

Explanation – According to website The Africa Evidence Network (AEN) is a broad community of nearly 3000 diverse people who share a vision to see an end to poverty and inequality in Africa.

Also Read: AEO Full Form with Explanation and Definition

AEN Full Form Table 

Full Form Category
All Element Number Chemistry
Atccs Engineering Network Military and Defence
Agence pour l’Energie Nucléaire Agency 
Assistant Engineer Operations & Maintenance Job Title
Apprenticeship Employment Network Orgnaisation
Australian-European Network Orgnaisation
Apoptosis Enhancing Nuclease Medical Science 
Africa Evidence Network Orgnaisation

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