There is a limit to shamelessness and BBC knows none

BBC Kashmiri Hindus

The British Broadcasting Corporation, which we better know as BBC, is London’s propaganda emitter around the world. Being a propaganda outlet, the BBC is shameless. It is this shamelessness that gives the media organisation the right to spread misinformation, and paint an entire community with one hue – only to later issue ‘clarifications’ after being exposed. Journalism demands that the facts of any issue or subject be ascertained prior to the publication or broadcasting of a report. At the BBC, however, such fact checks are done only after widespread publication and dissemination of the content in question.

The Kashmir Files and BBC

Take the case of the BBC’s disgust towards Vivek Agnihotri’s ‘The Kashmir Files,’ for instance. The film is the goriest, yet most truthful account of the pain and agony that Kashmiri Hindus suffered in the late 20th century, when they were forced out of their homeland by Islamists. It shows the true nature of Islamist extremists. And that is why it has set several liberal posteriors on fire. At the Box Office, the film has crossed the 200 crore rupees mark, and its earnings are still ascending! That agonises a section of Indians and Western intellectuals even more.

BBC’s Unabashed Propaganda

In an attempt to show how Kashmiri Hindus were themselves against the film, BBC decided to handpick a few ‘Pandits’ settled in Jammu, who just happened to harbour a critical view of the film.

In its video report, BBC showed two Pandit residents of Jagti Township in Jammu. The critical views of Shadi Lal Pandita and Sunil Pandita were amplified by the organisation, and spun to project the same as being shared by a vast majority of Kashmiri Hindus. BBC Hindi captioned the report on Twitter as: “This Film is a stunt for 2024 elections,” and ‘Such films will further create division’.

Sushil Pandita was heard saying, “Since 1990, only films have been made in our names but nothing substantial has been done…We have been used as political tissue papers…While we as a civil society filled the gaps between the communities, films like (The Kashmir Files) will widen them.”


One Pyarelal Pandita said that ‘The Kashmir files’ is a one-sided film serving the cause of Kashmiri Hindus.  He suggested: “Some other filmmaker should step in to show the other side of the genocide as well. What the majority community is facing in Kashmir alongside the Minorities should be collectively thrown light upon.”

Based on the remarks of three people, BBC concluded that Kashmiri Pandits were against the film! The motive was simple – if the victims are against it, why should you support it? That’s how confident this organisation is.

Political Connections Tumble Out

BBC’s report would have held some weight, had it not been revealed that the people interviewed were in fact connected to the Congress party and other political fronts.



In a clarification tweet aimed at damage control, BBC said, “After the video went viral, it has been brought to our notice that these people also belong to two major political parties, Congress and BJP. The BBC did not speak to them as representatives of their respective parties. They do not represent the sentiments of all Kashmiri Pandits.”

Read more: The Kashmir Files is the goriest, yet the most truthful account of the Kashmiri Hindu massacre

BBC woke up to the reality after five days of these three men being touted as the repository of all the opinions that the Kashmiri Hindus harbour. They provided armour to Indian liberals to rant against The Kashmir Files.

The BBC seems to have thought it could get away with its propaganda. However, the film is becoming an even bigger hit with each passing day. People are flocking to theatres across India to learn the truth of the genocide which was perpetuated against Kashmiri Hindus.

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