Collection of 44 I lost myself quotes: feel the self

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Here is a beautiful collection of I lost myself quotes and feel free to share these quotes on various social media platforms like facebook, twitter and Instagram or WhatsApp too.

44 I lost myself quotes

Don’t get caught up in your own fear.

After you’ve lost yourself, try to find yourself again.

You have triumphed if you lose someone but find yourself.

Be faithful to thy own self.

Don’t get caught up in someone else’s fantasy.

To discover yourself, you must first lose yourself. – I lost myself quotes

Why pretend to be someone you’re not when you can be yourself?

Prepare yourself to let go of whatever you’re afraid of in order to love.

Don’t forget that you are unique as well.

There’s a chance you won’t be discovered if you don’t get lost.

It doesn’t matter if you lose yourself or find yourself; it’s all the same in the end.

Never be fooled by the crowd into thinking you have to be like them.

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Find Yourself Quotes

Simply breathing does not imply that you are alive.

It’s never too late to become the person you could have been.

You lose yourself in what you enjoy. You’ve also ended up there.

And keep in mind that you are always there, no matter where you travel.

Don’t get caught up in trying to please everyone.

Man stands in his own shadow, perplexed by the darkness.

The ultimate awakening happens on the inside. So, don’t become lost, strive to rediscover yourself.

The idea of steadily losing yourself is terrible. – I lost myself quotes

The greatest loss you will experience in your life is the loss of yourself.

I get the feeling that I’m losing everyone at times. In truth, however, I’m simply losing myself.

Somewhere between love and responsibilities, I got lost.

Keep yourself faithful to yourself and live the life of your desires.

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I lost myself quotes

You lose yourself in the world when you lose touch with yourself.

Think about your life and who you’ve become; is this truly you?

Art allows us to both find and lose ourselves in the same moment.

The anguish we produce is always stronger than the fear of losing each other.

Love is a bizarre sensation in which you lose control of yourself while feeling wonderful.

Don’t seek the world at the expense of your spirit; wisdom is more valuable than wealth or gold.

Losing oneself in the service of others is the finest way to find yourself. – I lost myself quotes

Completely lose yourself; the more you lose, the more you will find.

Losing oneself in a world that doesn’t exist has a wonderful quality to it.

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I lost myself quotes

You lose yourself the more time you spend trying to be what others want you to be.

There is no way to rediscover yourself until you learn how to lose yourself completely.

She wasn’t sad any longer; she was numb, and she understood that numb was worse.

It’s fantastic if you can assist others, but don’t lose sight of yourself in the process!

When life provides you the choice of losing yourself or losing someone else, choose the latter.

In a relationship, the only person you should ever be afraid of losing is yourself. – I lost myself quotes

Don’t be scared of losing people. Be wary of losing yourself in the process of attempting to please everyone.

Don’t get lost in the haze of the stars and forget who you are. Dreaming is believing, and seeing is deceptive.

Tourists have no idea where they’ve been, and travellers have no idea where they’re headed.

Trying to find your self-worth through the eyes of others is the surest way to lose it.

It’s one thing to lose someone you care about. It’s another thing entirely to become lost. That is a more significant loss.

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