Good signs for Yogi as a body in America is thinking about banning him just like they did with PM Modi

Yogi, Adityanath, Narendra Modi, America, Ban

America is known for its selective behaviour with Indian politicians. The same United States of America that seeks India as its ‘democratic ally’, once banned Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the then Gujarat’s state CM. Later, the friendly relations between PM Modi and Barack Obama and Donald Trump was being watched by the world. Now, in a revived attempt to humiliate Indian leaders, the United States has targeted sanctions against Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath

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The US in the mood to sanction CM Yogi

Yogi Adityanath, the CM of poll-bound state Uttar Pradesh has been the target of American lawyers. A specialist group of International Criminal and Human Rights Lawyers have filed submissions to the US Government in order to call for sanctions against Yogi Adityanath. 

The submission has been filed with the Department of State and the US Department of Treasury to seek sanctions on CM Yogi Adityanath. . The submission filed on February 9, 2022 names Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, retired General of Police of UP Om Prakash Singh and Superintendent of Police of Kanpur Sanjeev Tyagi.

The demand for sanction is based on the law and order maintaining methods of the Yogi Government. 

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US lawyers call “encounters” “extra judicial killings”

The Guernica submission aims to target the ‘zero tolerance policy against crime’ adopted by Yogi Adityanath. The submission suggests that around 146 extra-judicial killings happened under Yogi’s Raj in the name of “encounters.” The submission suggests, “These ‘encounters’ are staged confrontations between the police and alleged criminals where the suspects eventually are shot dead in what the police claim is an act of self-defence.”

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The stupid comparison of ‘encounters’ of criminals with ‘extra judicial killings’ can only be done on the land of America in order to humiliate and call out Indian leaders. 

The United States is making Yogi the ‘Modi 2.0’

America is a state known for creating unsuccessful narratives. Also, America presents itself as a ‘saviour of the ides of democracy’. But does the United States respect the democracies? The answer is No. 

US’s attempt to interfere in the functioning of Indian democracy is evident in this step. Five major states of India are in the polls. And a move in to call for sanctions upon one of the sitting chief ministers is disgusting. 

In the same manner, in around 2005, the US imposed a visa ban on then CM of Gujarat Narendra Modi in the accusation of mismanagement of Gujarat riots. The same United States reversed their decision when now Prime Minister was running in the PM race. 

Today, India is an ally of the United States under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The same United States that sat on Pakistan’s bloc for years. 

After PM Modi, UP’s chief minister Yogi Adityanath has mass appeal. In greater sections of the north and central India, Yogi is seen as a successor of PM Modi in the BJP and by demanding such sanctions, the United States is just amplifying Yogi’s status. The story of then Gujarat CM Narendra Modi being banned after which he became India’s PM, might repeat itself, all thanks to America!

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