Dear Indians, those of you who are crying for Ukraine should cry for Indian students who are being tortured by Ukrainians

Indian Students Ukrainian Government

Ever Since Vladimir Putin decided to go full throttle on Ukraine, Indians have been crying for the safety of Ukrainians. However, the same people crying for foreigners have not condemned the Ukrainian regime for torturing Indian students stuck in there.

Ukraine tries to thwart Mission Ganga

Recently, India launched Operation Ganga to bring back 15,000 Indians stuck in the warzone of Eastern European nation. However, the return journey is not as simple as it is believed by keyboard warriors having no knowledge of actual reality.

Indian students have been subjected to some of the harshest treatments by the Zelenskyy government. According to the students, Ukrainian authorities kept fleeing students like a hostage and denied them basic amenities of life such as food, water, shelter. Moreover, they were both physically as well as verbally abused.

Read more: Why do so many students from India go to Ukraine for studies?

Students are being beaten by the Zelenskyy government

Talking to Times of India over the phone, Rangoli Raj, one of those unfortunate students explained, “They said if we win, they will let us through. If we don’t, we will have to stay back. When we refused, the cops tortured an Indian student. He has asthma. Ukrainian cops said all of us would be tortured if we didn’t follow their order”

Deepika Saini, another one of those unfortunate students informed that she had to walk miles with swollen legs to get to the Romanian border, only to be asked for a bribe by Ukrainian guards.

Read more: While Superpower America abandoned its citizens in Ukraine, India is bringing back its own by the planeload

Students are losing hope

One student Mansi Chaudhary seems to have given up on returning to India. She said that the Ukrainian government is not allowing Indian students to cross the border. Explaining women’s trouble, she said that female students are being pulled by the hair and hit with rods.

“Border guards are not letting us cross. If someone tries to cross, they attack them with rods. They are punching them in the faces. Yesterday, they also opened fire. We have been tortured like animals. They are letting their people to cross over but not us”, said Mansi.

Various clips clearly showing Ukrainian authorities’ beating Indians are now going viral on the Internet.

Paying the price for India’s neutrality

Allegedly, these poor students have to pay the prices for India’s stance being neutral in the Ukraine-Russia war. Recently, India had abstained from voting in favour of any party on UNSC on Ukraine-Russia crisis.

At the same time when Indian students are beaten and thrashed by the Zelenskyy government, a huge sympathy wave in favour of Ukraine has taken over Indian public space. People are constantly asking the Modi government to take proactive measures to ensure that Ukrainians do not lose their lives in war.

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Students are second-string ambassadors of a country. You will never hear India detaining foreign students for a diplomatic victory. This act by the Ukrainian government is deplorable and should become a reason for Indians refusing to support Ukraine in this crisis.

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