TOP 39 Goddess Quotes to share with warrior girls you know

best goddess quote

Here you will find some beautiful goddess quotes. We have a collection of more than 35 quotes. We hope you will like these quotes and please don’t forget to share goddess quotes on various social media platforms and if you are sharing it on twitter, don’t forget to mention us. Here is a collection of good warrior quotations goddess quotes to remind you of the power you possess.

Best Goddess Quotes

Ascending from the ashes, bringing the flickering flames to life. I’m going to reconstruct myself and become the goddess of fire.”

If I want my life to have any meaning, I have to live it myself.

There’s a tranquility in the heart of love, and I’ve pierced the anguish to find it.

Bird watching has become a part of my daily meditation, reassuring me of my connection to the land.

The bold are favored by Venus. – best goddess quotes

It’s the Moon! Artemis! the grand goddess of men’s glorious history! Are you going to tell me she’s a knucklehead?

Isn’t your mother the inventor’s goddess?

The old Goddess imagery did not initially pique my interest.

Even though a lady is plain, if she has truth and honesty written on her face, she will be attractive.

We are what we regularly do, yet what we repeatedly say can influence how others perceive us.

Pay attention to your inner goddess. She is deserving of it.

My inner goddess is doing the seven-veil dance.

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Sayings on DEVI

The Goddess, in my opinion, is God’s feminine counterpart; she is powerful and unique.

The simplest and most fundamental meaning of the Goddess emblem is the recognition of feminine power’s legitimacy as a benign and independent force.

Every day, women are fighters who fight a lengthy battle.  – best goddess quotes

Without your permission, no one can make you feel lesser.

We have superpowers as women. We’re both sisters. We are therapists. We’re both mothers. We are warrior goddesses.

Your heart is a resilient, powerful hawk learning to fly, not a delicate, fragile bird.

All that has gone before you was in preparation for what is yet to come.

Allow no one to speak for you, and don’t expect others to fight your battles for you.

Life is wonderfully imperfect, unpredictable, and unexplained, to put it simply.

While we have no control over life, we do have a choice in how we respond to what it throws at us.

Any impediments that come your way will be burned away if the fire in your heart is strong enough.

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Beautiful Goddess Quotes

All I want is to be content.

Love is a powerful force. It has the ability to bring the gods to their knees.

What exactly do you know? She liked it when others told her she was scary.

We had taken on the gods and triumphed.

Are you a target or a weapon? Choose! – best goddess quotes

Growing up, my goddesses were Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston.

Death is not dreaded in Goddess worship, but rather seen as a natural aspect of existence, followed by birth and regeneration.

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Love has a goddess’s face but the talons of a lion.

All mothers in the world are goddesses to me.

The goddess has never been separated from her people. It’s just that some of us have lost track of where she is.

It’s not about the guys in your life; it’s about the life of your men.

It’s now up to you to confront your fate. In this, we are not alone. – best goddess quotes

She will not be tamed like a wild stallion. Her heart belongs to no one.

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