Some interesting shyness quotes to educate yourself

Best Shyness Quotes

Shyness is a feeling that impacts how a person feels and acts in social situations. Shyness can be defined as a sensation of unease, self-consciousness, nervousness, bashfulness, timidity, or insecurity. Shy people may experience bodily feelings such as blushing or feeling silent, trembling, or out of breath. Here is a collection of best Shyness quotes that you can share on various social media platforms and blog as well to express your feelings.

Best 21 Shyness Quotes

Shyness can harm you as well as win you many things, so educate yourself before being shy. Here you will find some interesting quotes about shyness.

Some people are unfamiliar with the concept of companionship. They are just as afraid of it as the majority of people are of loneliness.

I never mean to offend, but I am so ridiculously shy that I frequently appear careless when I am merely hindered by my inherent shyness.

Shyness can be a sign of low self-esteem. – best quotes

Shyness has the potential to be viewed as a kind of hostility.

Being shy is difficult. You hold yourself responsible for it, and others hold you accountable as well.

“What exactly do you mean?” On my cheeks, I can feel the hue of a blush. I can’t seem to keep my emotions hidden. It’s starting to irritate me.

“My emotions are both too loud for words and too quiet for the world.” – best quotes

But she wished she’d had the courage to approach him and greet him. She wasn’t sure if she should break his legs or not.

Everyone thinks of me as a glum and insecure little girl. Those are only the aspects of myself that I feel compelled to display because no one else appears to be doing so.

Shyness was my first language. I’ve only learnt to deal with my shyness because I’ve been thrown into the spotlight.

Scientists have discovered the gene that causes shyness. Years ago, they would have discovered it, but it was hidden by a few of other genes.

Because I’m shy, I become outgoing in order to hide my shyness. – best quotes

Shyness has a bizarre narcissistic component to it, a feeling that how we seem and perform is truly essential to others.

When a man is too proud to risk making a fool of himself, he is lauded for his reserve and so-called shyness.

Shyness is always the result of something being suppressed. It’s almost as if you’re afraid of what you can do.

With my timidity, I’ve become better at not making people uncomfortable.

What I’ve never been able to overcome is a certain amount of timidity.

Shyness and social ineptitude were factors in my decision to form a band. I saw it as a means to interact with others while remaining at a safe distance.

What I’ve never been able to overcome is a certain amount of timidity.

Introversion is not inherently uncomfortable, whereas shyness is. The features do overlap to some extent, however psychologists disagree over how much.

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