UN allowed fraud godman Nithyananda to represent Hindu diaspora

Nithyananda, Hindus, UN

A Fraud godman Nithyananda, referred to as Swamy by his ‘believers’ had fled India as a fugitive, bought an Island and set up a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ by the name ‘Kailaasa’. For such a hilarious move, Indians considered him nothing more than an absconding fool. A rapist, torturer, and kidnapper Nithyananda has left no stone unturned to create a fake Hindu-like cult. In an attempt to portray itself as the only Hindu voice for the 2 billion global Hindu diaspora, the so-called Ambassador of KAILASA spoke about the persecution of Hindus at the Fourteenth Session of the United Nations’ Forum.

‘Kailaasa’ ambassador represents Hindu diaspora at UN forum:

On December 2, the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA® (KAILAASA Nation), for a publicity stunt and to portray themselves as a Hindu sympathizer, reached the Fourteenth session of the United Nations’ Forum on Minority Issues (2nd meeting). His Excellency Sri Nithya Mokshapriyananda, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of KAILASA® represented the called Hindu-like cult to speak about the persecution of Hindus. While the persecution of Hindus exists for real, it is merely an opportunity for Kailaasa Nation to peddle their selfish agendas.

Why did the UN permit fraud Nithyananda to speak at the forum?

The UN Forum on Minority Issues was set up “to provide a platform for promoting dialogue and cooperation on issues pertaining to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, as well as thematic contributions and expertise to the work of the Special Rapporteur on minority issues.”

The theme of the forum was “Conflict Prevention and the Protection of the Human Rights of Minorities”.

However, this was the first time the UN acknowledged that Hindu minorities are being persecuted. For centuries, traditional Hindu Spiritual Preceptors (Hindu Gurus, Hindu monasteries, Hindu traditions, and Hindu temples) have been targeted and killed and there have been several attempts by libtards to demean the culture and abolish its traditions.

But the question is, why KAILASA Nation? Should the so-called cult created by an alleged rapist be honoured with such an opportunity? Those who defame India and Hindus as well do not deserve to represent Hindus on international platforms. Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, who claims to be a Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, is merely a human being who is involved in various cases of kidnapping, rapes and forced confinement of children.

Nithyananda’s ‘Kailaasa’, a fake Hindu nation:

‘Kailaasa’ is a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ set up by self-proclaimed godman Nithyananda. According to the website, Kailaasa (kailaasa.org) offers a “safe haven to all the world’s practising, aspiring or persecuted Hindus…where they can peacefully live and express their spirituality, arts, and culture free from denigration, interference and violence.”

Read more: Kailaasa, the so called Hindu country established by Nithyananda will end up being another Rajneeshpuram

It also flaunts its own passport and flag and claims to host a population of two billion Hindus! If things could get any more absurd, it also claims to have 100 million ‘Adi Shaivites’. The total population of India is 1.4 billion. How Nithyananda got hold of 2 billion Hindus for his small island nation is a wonder in itself. Further, the nation claims to have a state religion, called ‘Sanatan Hindu Dharma’.

The legal team of the ‘fraudman’ also issued a legal notice to the owner of TFI, Mr Atul Mishra, when the media house exposed the reality of imposter Nithyananda. Such a coward person he is. It wrote, “On 3rd December 2019 your Website “tfipost.com” aired abusive article content titled “Kailaasa, the so called Hindu country established by Nithyananda will end up being another Rajneeshpuram”, wherein you have laid out slanderous content about The SPH which is forthrightly humiliating the honour and dignity oftheSupreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Head and Reviver of KAILASA (Ancient Enlightened Hindu Civilizational Nation).”

The ‘fraudman’, lacking any substantial evidence to refute our article resorted to legal strongarming in an attempt to silence our voice.

The man is making a mockery of Hinduism and India. It is an outright attempt to defame India and the Hindu way of life in the eyes of the world community, who might not be aware of the man’s misdeeds and crimes and might form a generalized and opaque opinion about Hindus.

The absconding fugitive Nithyananda, a self-styled godman, is defaming the Hindu civilization and has become another reason why Hindus across the world could be mocked. The UN needs to keep an eye over the past records before permitting such criminals before permitting them to represent the Hindu diaspora as it sets a wrong example. It is the time Nithyananda’s ‘nation’ should be finished, and the godman is put behind the bars.

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