‘Mughals were refugees,’ Naseeruddin Shah’s latest brain fart

Naseeruddin Shah, Mughals, refugees

Ever Since the Modi government came to power, Naseeruddin Shah has never been sure about his politico-religious loyalty. In his latest brain fart, the veteran actor has termed Mughal invaders as refugees.

Naseeruddin Shah’s video goes viral

A clip of Naseeruddin Shah’s interview with Karan Thapar is now going viral on the internet. In the 33-seconds long clip, Shah is expressing anguish over people awakening over the fact that Mughals were atrocious. Moreover, he termed these atrocities as ‘so-called atrocities’. It means that Shah doesn’t even believe that Mughals were tyrants.

The veteran actor is of the opinion that Mughals consolidated India with their ‘contribution’. He cited Mughals’ dancing, music, painting, and literature as evidence for their ‘contribution’. He further added that Mughals left their own homeland to make India their homeland.


The full statement of Shah reads, “The so-called atrocities of the Mughals are being highlighted all the time. We forget that Mughals are people who have contributed immensely to the country.  They are people who have left lasting monuments in the country…who have left traditions of dancing, music, painting, and literature. Mughals came here to make this their homeland. You can call them refugees if you like.”

Calling Mughals as refugees— Classic brain fart

After this mental lapse by Naseeruddin Shah, people took to Twitter to express their opinion.

A user Smita Deshmukh called it a new low by Shah and asked about his obsession with invaders.

Similarly, another user Pankaj Kr Gupta pointed out the hypocrisy of seculars. He castigated them for calling Mughals as refugees.

Naseeruddin Shah— A radical Islamic sympathiser

This is not the first time that Naseeruddin Shah has uttered something totally oblivious of facts. He has been a champion of the fake intolerance debate in the country. Due to his intolerance narrative, he has been under criticism by various public personalities.

Read more: Naseeruddin Shah’s cousin Rizwan Ahmed calls him out for his hypocrisy

Moreover, the man has been criticised for looking at inhuman terrorists’ through a human lens. Recently, he drew criticism from his own community for calling Indian Muslims and Arab Muslims separate from each other.

Read more: Naseeruddin Shah says Hindustani Islam is different from desert Islam, gets cancelled by fellow Muslims

Mughals were genocidal invaders and nothing else

It is well-established fact that Mughals were raiders, who survived on looting territories. Their whole existence was based on genocides of the local population of the area they raided.

Read more: NCERT paints a rosy picture of Mughals’ treatment of Eunuchs while the reality remains starkly different

In all honesty, the real intolerant were the Mughals. They murdered Hindus if they refused to convert to Islam. Those who survived were made to pay a heavy Jizya tax for their existence. Their last known tyrant Aurangzeb is particularly infamous for this. Refugees are those who are stateless, not those whose hobbies revolve around invading other countries and their cultures.

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