Waseem Rizvi, former Shia Waqf Board chief does a magnificent gharwapsi

Waseem Rizvi, Islamists

Former Uttar Pradesh Shia Central Waqf Board Chairman Waseem Rizvi was caught up in the controversies after he challenged 26 ‘ayats’ of the Quran alleging that it promoted terrorism and Jihad. After receiving warnings to be beheaded from Islamists, Wasim has uploaded a video in which he expressed his desire to be cremated as per Hindu rituals and not Muslim customs.

Waseem Rizvi’s magnificent gharwapasi 

In a newly released video, Waseem can be seen expressing his wish to be cremated as per Hindu rituals instead of Muslim customs. Explaining the method of his funeral, he asserted that his body should be burnt and not buried.

He also mentioned that his pyre must be lit by a Hindu friend Mahant Narasimha Nanda Sarawati of Dasna temple. 

Waseem advocated removing 26 verses from the Quran

As earlier reported by TFI, Waseem had filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking to remove 26 verses of the Quran alleging that it promoted terrorism and Jihad. In the PIL, Rizvi claimed that the objectionable verses were added to the holy book of Muslims later. “These verses were added to the Quran, by the first three Caliphs, to aid the expansion of Islam by war,” Rizvi had said. According to him, terrorists use these verses to fuel Jihad. He also said that these verses are used to mislead the young Muslim generation, provoking them to become radicals and terrorists resulting in the massacre of millions of innocents.

Muslims fumed over Rizvi’s actions 

However, as soon as the news of the petition came to light, the Muslim clerics issued a bounty offer of Rs 20,000 for anyone who brought Rizvi’s head to them. In addition to that, hundreds of people in Kargil protested against Rizvi. The protest was reportedly organized jointly by Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust, Anjuman Sufia Noorbakshia, and Anjuman Ahl Sunnat Wal Jamaat. 

While addressing the gathering president, Anjuman Sufia Noorbakshia asserted, ”Now people don’t even like to take the name of Waseem Rizvi as he has started speaking foul about Quran.”

Noorbakshia added, “When he released the book, he has enemies of Islam behind him which shows that he is backed by a group with wicked interests. He is not among any particular sect of Islam but he is from the rank of enemies and his goal is to create dispute among various sects of Islam.”

Waseem supported the construction of the Ram Janmbhoomi complex

A certain leftist cabal has established the norm that being Muslim meant trashing the Ram Janmabhoomi claim of Hindus, regardless of facts. However, Waseem Rizvi struck an anomaly as he announced his unequivocal support for the construction of the Ram Janmbhoomi complex at the disputed site in Ayodhya.

He even suggested that the mosque could be built at an alternative place, something with which even the Supreme Court agreed to.

Apart from that, Syed Waseem Rizvi is also the one who produced Ram Ki Janmbhoomi, a film that unapologetically presented the actual reality about the issue and the controversies surrounding the same.

Read more: Justice Nazeer, KK Muhammed and Waseem Rizvi –3 Muslims who helped make a Hindu dream a reality

Feared by massive backlash and the warnings to be beheaded by Islamists, a helpless Rizvi uploaded a video through which he has vowed to be cremated as per Hindu rituals despite being a Muslim. However, with the video, Rizvi has once again vindicated that, unlike any other Muslim, national interest is above everything for him.

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