NCERT paints a rosy picture of Mughals’ treatment of Eunuchs while the reality remains starkly different

As more and more Indians are becoming aware of their glorious history, the lies peddled by academic historians is slowly seeing the light of the day. In another such exposure of lie, the attempt by the NCERT to portray Eunuchs’ slavery during Mughals’ as some kind of emancipator effort by the barbarians has come to the fore.

Distorians try to portray Mughals as liberators of eunuchs

In class 7 history books, Marxist historians tried to push the narrative of Mughals’ being tolerant rulers by portraying the supposedly ‘higher status’ of Eunuchs in the administration. On page number 56 of class 7 history books, this propaganda is being force fed to children through an addendum called ‘Do you know’ in the chapter.

The addendum wrote- “Eunuchs played important administrative and political roles in the Mughal state. They were known as Khwajas or Nazirs or both euphemisms were added to their names. Some of the other prominent eunuchs were Khwaja Khas Malik, who received the title Ikhlas Khan and held the rank of 1,000; and Ambar who was promoted as an officer of the court with the title Itibar Khan and was later appointed as the governor of the Delhi”. The section also mentions Itimad Khan who managed Akbar’s finances as proof of eunuchs’ higher social status.

Read more: What is your child learning in school? 8 times NCERT books lied about history

Mughals uplifted Zero Eunuchs

However, the truth is totally different from what it looks like in the cursory reading. The Mughal emperor is known for their intolerance and murderous attitude towards anyone not surrendering to them. Homosexuals and Eunuchs also come under Kaafirs in Islam. The case of Eunuchs upliftment by Mughals is specifically interesting because there were zero eunuchs who were actually uplifted by those barbarians.

Castrated males were presented as Eunuchs by distorians

The eunuchs which the NCERT book talks about were actually born as boys. At the time of invading any territory, Mughals used to capture women and killed men and boys if they refused to serve Mughals. However, the service by men and boys was dependent on one humiliating condition by Mughals. The men and boys who wished to remain alive had to be castrated by Mughals to do so.

Mughals castrated them because it would become easier to exploit them for their servitude. Moreover, these eunuchs were used by rulers to guard their harems. Simply because, they were castrated, which meant that they no longer have any ability to engage in sexual activity with women, which would render them effective and safe bodyguards for rulers who wanted to keep their women ‘fresh for them’.

Renowned historian late Shri K.S. Lal had provided fitting documentary evidence of forced eunichisation of men and boys by Mughals as well as other Islamic rulers. He wrote “Once a man was made eunuch, his sensibility for manhood was dwarfed, his spirit of assertiveness destroyed, and he was perforce turned into a loyal and devoted slave; it did not matter to the master if his loyalty and devotion were fruits of compulsion. So the practice of making eunuchs went on and on under Muslim rule. If eunuchs were denied “the greatest pleasures attainable in this world”, they were compensated by sometimes performing great feats of bravery, by showing great loyalty to the master or by just piling up great wealth.”

Castrated males were exploited left, right and centre

Initially, these Eunuchs believed that they would not be harmed or harassed in harems, however, this was way too far from reality. They were made to pay for someone else’s sins in the harems. When two men had entered the harems under the knowledge of Raushanara Begum, the tyrant Aurangzeb did not punish the begum, instead, he punished the main eunuch who was in charge of the harem. Khwaja Hilali of Akbar’s court was made to give up on his beloved house because another noble got a liking to it. Itmad Khan, another eunuch holding considerable power under Akbar, was stabbed by a common soldier because of his harsh attitude.

Women of the harem were also exploiting those eunuchs who were present in their services. Manucci, a contemporary writer has written an elaborative piece in which he describes how women slaves used to harass their eunuchs for their sexual pleasure who used their tongues and hands in the most ‘licentious’ manner. Moreover, various instances of eunuchs getting punished for affairs with harem’s women are in history.

NCERT, homosexuality and liberals’ linkage

But like Eunuchs, Islamists have never accepted homosexuals and always exploited them. Though almost every Islamic book outrightly condemns the practice of homosexuality, the practice of bacha-bazi (sexual exploitation of underage boys) in Islamic society is probably as old as Islam itself. Although, very few historical evidences substantiate the practice during Mughal era, the presence of the bachabazi in modern day Afghanistan and other Islamic territories hints towards the continuation of practice during Mughal era.

Although the aforementioned quote about the glorification of Mughal’s exploitative policy of ‘Eunuchs’ from the class 7 NCERT book has now been removed after the massive counter by Indians, still the trend is dangerous. Recently, NCERT has been found toeing the line of woke liberals in the USA and they are now after distorting the fundamental civilisational concept of two genders in the existence.

Read more: What exactly is the Modi govt doing about NCERT and why is it importing USA’s wokeness?

Indians are already petitioning NCERT to remove the glorification of Mughals from the books, and now the publication is trying to double down on its lies. NCERT owes the responsibility of truth, facts, data, evidence to the people of the country. Any nation established on the foundation of truth will go a long way, but NCERT does not seem to agree with it. Maybe, they want to perish in their sand of lies.

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