A book by ISIS Survivor Nadia Murad has been banned by Canada citing Islamophobia

Canada, Justin Trudeau, Nadia Murad, Islamic, Islamophobia

The leftists of the Western world are fast becoming Islamists, and a brute example of this is being seen in Canada. The Toronto District School Board (TDSB), formerly known as English-language Public District School Board No. 12 prior to 1999, has canceled a book event by Nobel Prize-winning author Nadia Murad, who was formerly sex-slave to ISIL.

According to the public education board of Toronto, the book event was Islamophobic and could have offended the minority students. The event was supposed to carry the discussion on two books in presence of their authors — Marie Henein’s ‘Nothing But the Truth: A Memoir‘ and Nadia Murad’s ‘The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State‘.

Nadia Murad, a Nobel-prize-winning author wrote an autobiographical book on how she was enslaved by Islamic State. Murad, who belongs to the Kurd minority of the Yazidi faith, was raped, tortured, and burned with cigarette butts by the fundamentalists of the Islamic state. Millions of the people of the Yazidi faith, including the brothers and sisters of Nadia, were killed before her eyes. And, thousands of Yazidi women were enslaved by the Islamic state fundamentalists.

Murad was able to escape from the capture and subsequently wrote the book which is now an account of the brutalities of ISIS and Islamic fundamentalists. However, the Islamic fundamentalism sympathizers of Canada that Murad’s book and her story are Islamophobic and it will hurt the feeling of Muslim students.

TDSB spokesperson Ryan Bird told The Globe and Mail, “There seems to have been a misunderstanding because the ‘fairness’ department does not review and approve books for book clubs”. He also explained that “the two books were nevertheless examined by the members of the council, as is the practice, in order to decide or not their distribution to the pupils”.

Muslims constitute around 9-10 percent of Toronto’s and it is the second-largest religion after Christianity. The Muslims of the city, like anywhere where they are in minority, are very organized and have very good bargaining capability. Most of the children of the Muslim community go to hundreds of schools of the Toronto School District Board (TSDB), and they have successfully been able to block discussion on a book the exposes the reality of an organization that calls itself Islamic State.

The move by TSDB has been criticized by commentators and authors around the world. “For many of us who have followed the mass murder of the Yazidi people of Iraq and have marvelled at the courage of Murad, the TDSB decision came as a shock. It reeked of ignorance and subservience to an Islamist attitude that has infiltrated too many institutions of Canada, especially urban schools where cafeterias have been turned into prayer halls, with gender apartheid on full display,” wrote Tarak Fateh in Toronto Sun.

Toronto-based writer Naomi Buck wrote, “However, this case seems to be very much about the authors – women who have done extraordinary things, and whose lives could offer high-octane inspiration to young readers. The rejection of their books is effectively a rejection of complexity, and of the world as it is”,

This is not the first time Islamists in Canada have tried to suppress the critical voices against Islamic Fundamentalism. Previously in May 2020, Islamists in Canada backed by certain anti-Hindu establishments targeted one Ravi Hooda over his tweets while bullying the authorities to terminate him from his job.

The NRI had tweeted, expressing his opinion over Brampton mayor Patrick Owen’s decision to allow mosques to broadcast Azaan over loudspeakers during Ramzan.

Read more: India’s offensive against terror group “Sikhs for Justice” begins in Canada

The Islamist voices are gaining much ground under the Trudeau administration, and unless he goes Macron‘s way in curbing Islamic fundamentalism, Canada is in danger.

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