Truth of Lakhimpur Kheri: Hari Om Mishra, the car driver who was killed by murderous farmers

Om Prakash Mishra, Lakhimpur Kheri, cab driver, farmers, fake farmers, protestors

The lynching of BJP workers in Lakhimpur Kheri, which is being depicted as the anti-farmer incident is the massacre that clearly shows the fake farmers’ shameless propaganda to attack the government. A video viral on social media shows the brutality of Khalistan backed fake farmers. In the video, it can be clearly seen that the fake farmers brutally beat a cab driver, Hari Om Mishra, to death after he refused to lie about being sent by Minister Ajay Teni to kill the protestors.

Fake farmers’ propaganda revealed

Several reports claim that the driver in the convoy lost the balance while driving through a mob of fake farmers and the car was thrown into the field on the side of the road, killing two protestors in the process. But, the fake farmers’ tainted the truth to project the government as anti-farmers.

In the video, the driver named Hari Om Mishra can be seen begging for his life while the cruel farmers kept on torturing him to force him to say that he was sent by Union Minister Ajay ‘Teni’ to attack the protestors and run the car over them. After several failed attempts by the farmers when Hari Om Mishra refused to lie, the shameless ‘farmers’ beat him to death.

‘Dada-dada…please let me go’, Hari Om Mishra’s last words

The video being circulated on social media shows blood coming out of the driver’s head. Quite nervous, the fear of death was clearly evident in his eyes. While the driver with folded hands kept on begging the farmers to spare his life, the Khalistani farmers threatened him to lie. Om kept on repeating that Teni had sent him but not to run the car over protestors. After Mishra refused to lie, the farmers began attacking him with the sticks.

“They took the driver out of the car, who had probably already died, and beat him with sticks. There is a video of the same. Four to five of our people died, and another two or three are missing,” Ashish Misra, son of Minister Ajay said while interacting with the media.

Video evidences revealing the true colours of farmers

While the left-wing portals along with the opposition, tried to run the propaganda by claiming that Ashish Mishra, son of Ajay Mishra Teni had killed the four farmers, the videos surrounding the incident started to overshadow the lies peddled by them.

Read more: Truth of LakhimpurKheri: How Priyanka Gandhi baked political bread on funeral pyres

In a 24 second video, it can be clearly seen that protesters are thrashing BJP workers with sticks while they are lying on the ground after falling off a skidded car. Moreover, the crushed car is also seen getting pushed off the cliff by fake farmers. Another 39-second video showed people wearing T-shirts with Bhindranwale on them and posing as farmers in Lakhimpur.

Read more: Truth of LakhimpurKheri: What media reported vs what really happened?

Three BJP workers including Hariom Mishra, Shubham Mishra and Shyam Sundar have been killed in the violence that erupted at the protest site. Shubham Mishra, the BJP booth president was lynched to Death in Lakhimpur. However, the Yogi government has ordered a judicial enquiry and has vowed that the state government will expose all the elements involved in the violence and take strict action against them.

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