For Jhunjhunu DM Umar Deen Khan, celebrating Diwali has the potential to damage life and create a riot in the country. If not, nothing explains his order intended to stop people from practising their fundamental right of celebrating Diwali.
DM UD Khan bans crackers from Jhunjhunu
Jhunjhunu, a relatively unknown district in Rajasthan became a centre of massive controversy when its district magistrate decided to outrightly ban Diwali celebrations in the city by imposing section 144, an otherwise emergency provision on the eve of Diwali. The minutes of the ordered hint towards possible Hinduphobia ingrained in the administration. The order prohibited bursting firecrackers from 10 PM to 6 AM in the city. To prevent any chance of people illegally bursting crackers, the district administration also imposed sanctions on buying, selling, and storing firecrackers in the city.
श्रीमान जिला कलेक्टर महोदय द्वारा वर्तमान परिस्थितियों एवं दीपावली त्यौहार के मद्देनजर कानून एवं व्यवस्था भंग होने तथा जनसाधारण की सुरक्षा एवं लोक शांति को खतरा उत्पन्न होने की संभावना के मद्देनजर झुंझुनूं जिले में दिनांक 01.11.2021 से 06.11.2021 तक दंड प्रक्रिया…….
— Jhunjhunu Police (@JhunjhunuPolice) October 30, 2021
In one part of the order, the administration specifically targets Trishul (a symbol of Bhagwan Shiv), sticks, and warned people against using them in their homes. Targeting the playing of songs and Aarti for Mata Laxmi, the district administration simply put a blanket ban on playing of any audio cassette which may harm other communities’ ‘feelings’.
The administration was forced to withdraw orders
A huge uproar on the order erupted on social media as well as in the district. BJP District President Pawan Mawandia said in a press conference that the Collector has issued a Tughlaqi decree. He further said that either he takes it back or else they will be forced to hit the streets. After facing severe backlash from Hindus, the district administration issued a reformed decree removing almost all the restrictions in the original order.
श्रीमान जिला कलेक्टर महोदय द्वारा दिनांक 28.10.2021 को दंड प्रक्रिया संहिता 1973 की धारा 144 के तहत निषेधाज्ञा लागू किए जाने के जारी आदेश निरस्त किए जाकर संशोधित आदेश पारित किए गए हैं।
— Jhunjhunu Police (@JhunjhunuPolice) October 30, 2021
Diwali-A festival for virtue signalling celebrities to lecture Hindus on morality
As soon as Diwali approaches, Hinduphobic left-liberals start to criticise the festival for allegedly polluting the environment. While various studies have been conducted which show the negligible effect of crackers on the overall pollution, the campaign against Hindus never seems to stop. The hypocritical celebrities who have no qualms in bursting crackers on their own celebration try to impose their self-righteous virtue-signalling ‘Gyan’ on Hindus.
However, Hindus have learnt to give them the taste of their own medicine and various celebrities have been exposed by Hindus for hollow arguments. This uplifting of forcibly imposed section 144 on Jhunjhunu’s population is a result of awakened Hindus being aware of their rights and finally raising their voices.