20 Significant Manipulation Quotes you need to read right now!

Best Manipulation Quotes

The word manipulation evokes incredibly negative connotations in most people’s minds. When you think of manipulation, you might think of a dishonest person who tries to control others for his own purposes. Simply put, manipulation is a strategy people use to control others.
Below is our collection of best 20 explicit, manipulation quotes and sayings compiled over the years from various sources.

Please don’t let these best manipulation quotes just be fun to read – they are so much more – learn from them and let them help you understand the horrors of manipulation – in fact, this is exactly what you need when you are experiencing terrible things like emotional exploitation or guilt:

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20 Best Manipulation Quotes

Dealing with manipulation is all about reading between the lines and recognizing the lies for what they are. – Best Quotes

People who manipulate do not understand the concept of boundaries, they only seek what they what they want regardless of hurting others.

This strong, lonely and desperate child learns to give up the feelings that make everyone feel alive if she seeks help, but soon discovers that no one is listening to her.

Love comes when the manipulation stops; when you think about the other person more than their reaction to you. – Best Quotes

Someone who manipulates your feelings through guilt does not love you.

People often try to make you feel guilty for manipulating you and forcing you to do what they want. If you refuse to play and act or feel guilty, you disarm them and they lose your hold over you.

A person should be able to control and manipulate experiences with an informed and intelligent mind to satisfy basic needs and maintain control and predictability in your life.

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Beware of manipulation by the people around you or broader forces such as politics, culture and the media to be careful with manipulation so that you always pay attention to your interests.

A result they may not even be aware of the negative impact this has on those around them. When people don’t master the tools of judgment and just follow their hopes, seeds of political manipulation are sown. –  Best Quotes

People who do not have weaknesses are terrible, they cannot be taken advantage of.

If you don’t educate people, they can easily be manipulated so use your conscience and desire to be a good person and always promote independence and happiness.

By deceiving us and manipulating us to get what they want, hidden attackers are very actively trying to control others.

No one likes to be manipulated but too many of us are exposed to it every day, from deceptive advertisements to dishonest politicians and all the toxic people you can’t get rid of in your life.

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The next generation is not how to free the masses, but how to make them love their slavery. The mass movement technique aims to infect people with disease and thus to offer movement as a remedy.

A manipulator is a liar and liar never look in the eye while lying.

Manipulation is a contagious disease which is much more dangerous than a pandemic because it can endure you for a life time.

A heart of manipulation is to be empathized without being touched. – Best Quotes

A manipulator is always terrified of confrontation.

Manipulation fueled by good intention can be a blessing, but if the intention is deceitful the results are wrecking.

Biggest tool of manipulation is words so always interpret the meaning rather than the words.  – Best Quotes

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