“You helped us so much during COVID-19 outbreak”, Alberta Govt recognizes August as Hindu Heritage month

Alberta Hindu Hinduphobia

At a time when the lexicon ‘Hinduphobia’ is berated and dismissed by the left-liberal brigade as a mere figment of imagination, Alberta Government has recognized August as Hindu Heritage Month.

Ron Orr, Minister of Culture, and Muhammad Yaseen, Associate Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism of the Alberta government released the joint statement and communicated the noble decision.

“Alberta’s government is proud to announce that August will be recognized as Hindu Heritage Month in Alberta going forward. This is an important way to show our appreciation for the Hindu community and all that they do to strengthen this great province.” the note read.

The Alberta government also thanked the Hindu community and the temples that stood up during the pandemic and supported the neighbourhood

“Through the COVID-19 pandemic, Hindu temples in Alberta stepped up to support their members and the wider community through neighbourhood food banks. This exemplifies the generosity of Alberta’s Hindu community.”

Stating that it was a great opportunity for the natives to learn about the Hindu heritage, the official statement read, “For all Albertans, this month gives us opportunities to learn more about Hindu faith and culture, celebrate Albertans of Hindu heritage and help build inclusive, welcoming communities for all. On behalf of the Government of Alberta, we hope Hindu community members have a wonderful month celebrating their faith, customs and traditions of their heritage.”

Alberta is home for Hindus, not only from India but Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the UK, Fiji, Guyana, Kenya and other parts of Asia and Africa. The Canadian Hindus have been a vital cog in the wheel for the development of the region. Thus Hindu Heritage Month provides an excellent opportunity for non-Hindus to learn more about Hindu traditions and develop a greater appreciation for the beliefs and practices of their Hindu neighbours.

It is a way for Hindus to celebrate and educate future generations about their culture and heritage. It is imperative to note that in December 2016, Canada’s most populous province Ontario declared November to be celebrated as Hindu Heritage Month, given the sizable Hindu population in the province and the fact that Diwali often falls in the same month.

There has been a rising understanding of the Hindu faith across the globe lately. As reported by TFI, the Mayor office of Edison, a town in New Jersey,USA with a sizeable Hindu population last week recognised July as ‘Hindu persecution awareness month.’

Mayor Lankey in the official document stated how Hindus had been facing persecution and discrimination over their religious beliefs over the years, “Whereas, Hinduism is one of the world’s major religions, with over 1 billion global adherents; and whereas historically, as well as in the present day, Hindus have faced persecution and discrimination based on their religious beliefs, including in South Asia; and whereas, our own state, New Jersey, witnessed attacks in the late 1980s aimed at Hindu Indian immigrants, which were perpetrated by the Dotbusters…”

He further remarked, “Therefore, be it resolved that L. Thomas Lankey, Mayor of the Township of Edison, de hereby proclaim July as Hindu Persecution Awareness Month to memorialize the discrimination and injustice that members of the Hinds faith face, and to reaffirm our township’s commitment the American ideal of the freedom to freely and peacefully practice one’s religion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have herunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of Edison to be affixed, this 28th Day of July, in the Year Two Thousand and Twenty One,”

Read More: India forces USA to accept that Hinduphobia exists

Hinduphobia is a rampant phenomenon in the West and the fact that certain sections have difficulty even digesting the usage of the word, reeks of xenophobia. Alberta, Edison and Ontario have set a template and hopefully other countries follow the suit as well.


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