‘If you want our friendship, declare Pakistan a Sharia state,’ Taliban’s “offer” to Pakistan

Imran Khan, Taliban, Sharia, LeT, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Terrorist

(PC: Global VIllage Space)

Imran Khan is known as Taliban Khan for his support to the Taliban. But, a tactician who succeeds in running a cricket team doesn’t mean he can do the same in politics. For one, you have eleven dedicated men focused on a single goal in a match, while politics is all about balancing the interests of different groups simultaneously. Diplomacy is where Imran khan has failed 220 million Pakistanis. His support for the Taliban is all set to bring barbaric Sharia into his country.

(PC: The Dawn)

Pakistan’s domestic terrorist organization Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP) seems to be all set to attack Pakistan forces if the Sharia law in its strictest sense does not get implemented in Pakistan. 

As Pakistan was rejoicing over the Taliban capturing Kabul, the Taliban decided to free up at least 4,000 terrorists locked by Ashraf Ghani’s government. The majority of these terrorists belong to the TTP. They want to demolish the Pakistani Government, and then establish a Sharia-based militia state. TTP chief Mufti Wali Maseed called on his fighters to attack Pakistan forces pointing out the atrocities done by the Pakistani army. Recently released TTP terrorist Maulvi Faqir Mohammed announced– ‘’it’s time we should use all our might to change Kafir government in Pakistan’’. Appearing on CNN, another TTP commander warned the Pakistani Government about Pashtooni nationalism. He vowed to form a free Pashtunishtan. TTP is believed to be the chief architect in terrorist attacks against Chinese interests in the Country.

As reported by the TFI, the Afghan Taliban and Pakistan are no match to each other. Pakistan decided to support the Taliban because it wanted to control Central and South Asia through the Taliban. With the United States slowly stopping funding to the Pakistani establishment, Pakistan decided to raise money from China. The money coming in from China was expected to be utilized for developmental projects which in turn went into the hands of the Taliban. 

Read more: Pakistan wants to dominate Afghan affairs and be a major player, but Pakistani Taliban is giving them hell

Pakistani establishment thought that after a Taliban Government is established in Kabul, it will act as a puppet for them. If the Taliban gets established, Pakistan expects to channelize its energy towards its long and coveted dream of taking up Kashmir and, then expanding itself to Central and South Asia. Pakistan wants to use Taliban fighters in Guerilla warfare against the Indian army. Fate always has something different than you think.

As the Taliban came to the forefront, it decided to abandon Pakistan’s interests. TTP decided to regain its lost territory, and its close contacts with AL-Qaeda resurfaced. Now emboldened by the Taliban at the helm of affairs, it should not be a surprise if AL-Qaeda, ISIS, TTP, and Taliban decide to establish a SHARIA CALIPHATE by throwing away an Islamic democracy called Pakistan. With a suicide bombing attack on Chinese nationals and 400 people in Lahore groping a single female, trends do not look in favour of Pakistan.

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